There are many opinions on just how much you should put back. My opinion is that you should start out small and work your way up. First you need to put yourself on a monthly budget. This budget should pay all your monthly bills and included some for your cash fund. At first it doesn't have to be much. As you work to pay down your bills you can always increase how much your putting back.
You should make a goal. The first goal, should be to having three months of you living expenses up back. This is a good place to start. If you get layoff or get sick and can’t work you will be able to pay your bills for three months.
After you have three months of your living expenses saved then you should just keep adding a months worth of living expenses until you have enough to live on for one year. Just remember any money you have saved is better than none. To get to where you have enough to last one year may take time. Don't stress over it. Just keep to your budget and do your best. There might be a month that something comes up and you can put any money back. That's OK. It's more important to pay your monthly bill then to put money back. You can only put money back if your pay your bill first.
Another thing that can help, is to start paying stuff off. The less monthly bills you have the easier it will be to put money back. Try to pay cash for everything. The credit cards are nice but you pay more than if you pay cash. If you have to use a credit card, make sure you can pay it off quickly to avoid the high interest. This may seem hard at first, but if you work at it you’ll get there.
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