A quick guide to disaster preparedness in the workplace.

     As residents of the Gulf Coast and Texas assess the damage of Hurricane Harvey (and another storm approaches Florida), Americans are reminded how easily a situation can escalate to a life-threatening emergency. For employers, planning for emergency situations long before they occur is not only a best practice — it could be a life saver.
     The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has designated September as National Preparedness Month for families with the motto: "Disasters Don’t Plan Ahead. You Can." That's wise advice for employers as well as individuals.
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    Recently the world has seen a barrage of natural disasters: hurricanes in the Caribbean and southern U.S., earthquakes in Mexico, and monsoons in southern Asia. These events brought devastation to communities and questions around the world about what we can do to help—and to prepare ourselves for similar events.
     The safest and best thing to do when facing an approaching natural disaster is to heed your area’s evacuation notices and take advantage of evacuation assistance when it’s offered. It’s possible, however, to be caught by an unexpected emergency or to be unable to leave a disaster-stricken region. When faced with those situations, what should you do to stay safe? How can you be better prepared? What kinds of choices will you need to make to survive?
    We spoke with three experts—Tim MacWelch, resident survival expert for Outdoor Life Magazine, survival instructor, and author of multiple New York Times bestselling survival manuals; Warren Faidley, extreme weather photographer, survival expert, and tactical EMT; and Jeff Masters, co-founder and director of meteorology at Weather Underground—about how to survive a disaster when you can’t evacuate. Each one shared tips on preparation, remaining safe during the event, and withstanding its often-dangerous aftermath.

Here are their tips and advice on surviving a natural disaster.
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5 Basic Survival Skills You Need When Bugging Out.

As we mentioned in our How to Make a Bug Out Plan post, the more skills you have, the more self reliant you are and the higher your chances for survival become.  Here we are going to discuss some basic survival skills and teach you how to best utilize them to protect yourself and your loved ones when disaster strikes.
When you are out on your own without the support net of a healthy society, these are the traits and basic survival skills you need to master in order to succeed.
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8 Emergency Water Storage Tips For Preppers Like You.

      Having emergency water storage is extremely vital, especially in times of distress. One interesting fact about the human body is that it is made up of roughly 70% water. Therefore, it is essential to our physiology to have enough fluid in our body. Water is a necessity that we can’t afford to lose. There are emergency situations where we have to live without running water.
          It may be because of an unforeseen natural disaster such as earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes. In the event of a crisis, some people tend to buy bottled water, but there are other feasible alternatives. An emergency or survival water storage is the best workable option and is a life saver. Listed below are tips on how to store and preserve water properly.
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7 Best Handguns for Women [2018 Ultimate Guide]

     You’re here either because you’re trying to figure out the best gun to buy for yourself…or the best gun to buy for your wife, girlfriend, sister, or mom.
If you’re shopping for yourself, read on!  I have lots of advice for you.
     But if you’re looking to buy for someone else, go grab her first and read this together…because at the end of the day, the best handgun is the one picked by the shooter herself.
This won’t be some list of tiny pink guns either…I’ll walk you through unique considerations for female shooters and walk through my top 7 handguns for women.
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24 Urban Survival Skills You Need to Master.

     After writing a pretty long article about all the survival skills you could possibly learn, I decided to make a similar one just for urban scenarios. I’m doing this for several reasons, the biggest one being that city dwellers generally don’t concern themselves with bushcraft techniques or living off grid.
To be completely honest, you should learn about living in the wilderness even if you’re an urban prepper. Who knows what national disaster may come that will turn cities into death traps and force you to retreat in the wilderness.
     But OK, I get it, you’re not concerned with such scenarios just yet.  Let’s see the full list of all the urban survival skills you need know and practice starting today with your loved ones.
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If the zombie apocalypse happens, scientists say you should head for the hills.

    If — or when — the zombie apocalypse comes, those of us in big cities are in trouble, according to research presented at the American Physical Society March meeting on March 5, 2015. 
Starting in a big city like New York or Atlanta means you are basically screwed from the start in the event of a zombie epidemic there, according to Alex Alemi, a graduate student at Cornell University who was part of the research team.
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8 Awesome Vehicles to Survive Doomsday.

     If you are ever forced to bug out from your home in a disaster scenario, your efforts will always be made easier and safer by bugging out in a vehicle rather than on foot. A vehicle allows you to travel faster, provides you with some level of protection, and has space for you to carry more items.
     That being said, not all vehicles are created equally. In fact, certain kinds of vehicles will be a very poor choice for bugging out. The best kind of vehicle for bugging out needs to meet the following qualities:
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120+ Survival Tips That May One Day Save Your Life.

     When my assistant and I came up with the idea for this article, we didn’t exactly have a goal in mind BUT we knew what we wouldn’t be able to do, and that’s to gather all the survival and preparedness knowledge in a single post.
     That’s just impossible and all its aspects is simply huge. So we had to settle for a less ambitious (yet still honorable) goal. To give you a huge collection of some of the most overlooked survival tips that would appeal to the novice as well as to the seasoned prepper.
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30 Different Ways to Put A Roof Over Your Head.

      Around America tent cities are springing up as people are losing their houses and their jobs. And it isn't just the drunks and the disturbed; at this tent city in Reno, Seven in 10 were from the area, where the housing market has cratered, the tourism industry is in the dumps and construction jobs have disappeared. They are the modern Hoovervilles (Bushburbs?) filled with economic refugees.
      Yet is this the best we can do? For years TreeHugger has been showing low impact, portable and movable housing that could do a better job than this. Yurts, trailers, emergency shelters. Lets look at some of the alternatives for portable, movable housing that a small slice of the bailout could buy.
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Men Shoot Guns For Fun — Women Keep Them For Protection.

     Liberte Austin has over 130,000 Instagram followers, which isn’t that unusual. What is unusual is that, in addition to the standard selfies, memes, and pictures of her dog, there are also tons of photos of her with guns. In shot after shot, the 30-something Austin is shown hunting, at target practice, or just posing with a firearm. Austin — a Trump-supporting Texan who has been a brand ambassador for gun companies like Beretta, and has appeared on Alex Jones’ alt-right talkshow, InfoWars — is a die-hard, female gun enthusiast. And she’s part of a growing movement.
     The gun control discussion in the U.S. typically revolves around men, both as firearms owners and defenders of their right to bear arms. When women show up within the debate, it’s often as a force opposing guns, referenced in statistics that show women are more likely to support gun control laws than men, or voiced by women-led gun reform groups, like Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America.
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Increase Your Street Smarts,Urban Survival Tips.

    We all hear about wilderness survival. There are even several shows dedicated to it. They're all about building shelters in the woods, finding food, surviving the night, and fighting off predators. But the fact of the matter is that most of us will never find ourselves in that sort of situation. In fact, it's becoming less and less likely with every passing day. Urbanization is real folks.
     More and more people are moving to cities and out of rural areas. So, if you're going to be learning survival techniques, chances are you'll need to learn them for a different kind of jungle...the concrete jungle. Take these urban survival tips to heart, because you will need them.

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Urban Survival – What To Expect, What To Know, What To Do.

 If the power grid in your city went offline, what would you do? Probably not reach for the fridge – at least not for too long.
In an urban situation, there are so many things to take account of and deal with when your life is on the line.
Do you know what to prioritize?
Thankfully, it really isn’t as overwhelming as it seems. By identifying the essentials you’ll be able to tackle the the vast majority of the unknown.
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37 Urban Survival Skills.

      It is definitely fascinating to think about applying the survival skills you have mastered in an urban setting. Visions of zombies flooding the streets might come to mind, but in the real world, there are still a lot of dangers that we have to face or prepare for. If you look at the current events in our country, you will always find plenty of good reasons to have or learn urban survival skills.
      In the end, it’s your urban survival skills that can save your life. It doesn’t matter if the threat comes from your job, your neighborhood, the road, or right in your own home. You’re a prepper/survivalist and you will try everything you can to help yourself and your loved ones get through difficult scenarios. Here are some abilities that you need to learn and master:
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The Most Important Survival Tool.

     Survival is key in a SHTF situation. Without certain tools, staying alive and safe are pretty much impossible. So what is the one thing that you absolutely could not live without in any given survival situation? A knife? Matches? Actually, neither of those alone will keep you alive. You may be surprised to learn what the most important survival tool actually is.
      What’s in Your Bug-Out Bag? Now, before we get started, I want you to take a second to think about the contents of your bug-out bag. Now that you’re thinking about that, what could you absolutely live without? Do you need that emergency tarp? It sure does come in handy, but it’s not absolutely necessary. How about that extra set of batteries for your tactical flashlight? Nah… you can just toss those — including the flashlight. Surely you need to keep your super cool survival knife, right? Nope, not at all.
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10 Simple Wildfire Survival Tips.

     Wildfires are fast moving and unpredictable. In the recent years wildfires have become a real threat to areas that were once thought not prone. You can see the smoke from miles away, but your first clue that there’s a forest fire nearby is falling ash. Hopefully you will never be that close, but if you are, evasive action may be required.
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If a nuclear bomb explodes!!!!!

     North Korea on Tuesday reportedly launched its first intercontinental ballistic missile— a rocket capable of traveling more than 3,400 miles with a weapon on top. The feat suggests that the isolated country, one of nine nations that together wield more than 14,900 nukes, could strike Alaska.
     However, the rest of the US faces a much different and shadowy nuclear threat: a terrorist-caused nuclear detonation, which is one of 15 disaster scenarios that the federal government has planned for— just in case.
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SCAVENGER 6.The Ultimate Survival Gun

      How The Scavenger 6 WorksEach gun comes with the Survival Cylinder Barrel, CB, which is bored out to accommodate 8 different caliber bullets. To see which bullets the Survival CB shoot's as well as our entire range of Cylinder Barrels.

Introducing the Scavenger 6 - One gun to replace them all!The Scavenger 6 gun can shoot any caliber bullet from .22 to .308 and everything in between, just by exchanging the cylinder barrels.
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How to Survive the Apocalypse.

     President Trump threatens to “totally destroy North Korea.” Another hurricane lashes out. A second monster earthquake jolts Mexico. Terrorists strike in London. And that’s just this past week or so.
     Yes, the world is clearly coming to an end. But is there anything you can do to prepare?
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How To Survive The Apocalypse.

Here is something You should see. I found this interesting. You might find it helpful to.

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Have you done a dry run?

     On the surface, preparing for when SHTF may seem rather simplistic – just throw some survival gear into a bag and then take the bag with you when it’s time to bug out. The reality, however, is that it’s not quite that easy. A bug out bag can be extremely heavy depending on what you decide to store inside of it, and traveling with it from point A to point B isn’t exactly like taking a leisurely stroll through the park. That’s why it’s important that you routinely test your bug out bag for when SHTF.
     First and foremost, you have to make sure that your bug out bag is an appropriate weight – on the one hand, you don’t want it to be so heavy that you’re struggling to carry it, but on the other hand, you don’t want to risk leaving something important out just to keep the weight down. In order to create a bug out bag with an appropriate weight, make a list of all the essentials, and avoid packing items that you could do without in a survival situation.  As noted by UrbanSurvivalSite.com, things like sleeping bags, plateware and utensils, toiletries, extra pants and medications are all examples of things that you can do without. (Related: Here are ten affordable survival items that you can stock up on now without breaking your wallet.)
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12 Outdoor Survival Skills Every Guy Should Master.

     Sure, you’re in decent shape, and your iPhone has GPS and an app for everything. But what happens when you’re injured or stranded and the batteries die? You need a few key skills for the inevitable moment when you find—or lose—yourself without that digital crutch.
     Survival expert Creek Stewart, author of Build The Perfect Bug-Out Bag: Your 72-Hour Disaster Survival Kit, has spent thousands of hours testing himself in real world survival scenarios and training others to be competent in the skills he’s learned. “It’s not if disaster will strike,” he likes to say. “But when.”
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Bluegrass Optics.

      Osprey Global is an international leader in manufacturing quality hunting and weapon accessories. The company concentrates on cutting-edge, niche products that are innovative in design and performance and carries a full, no-nonsense, lifetime warranty. Products have been tested in Iraq and Afghanistan and approved for use by the U.S. military for the sniper accessory kits.
      Our rifle scope line is assembled in China, where we utilize Chinese labor but not Chinese components. What makes our products stand apart from the rest is our Hoya glass imported from Japan and 3M and loc-tite two-part epoxies and hermetic grease from the US for all bonding applications. 100% of the units are inspected for fog-proofing and water-proofing, and every scope is tested and warranted for shock to 50BMG parameters. Each scope is also spin-centered for balance and posses fully, multi-coated glass lenses throughout with glass-etched reticles. Our scopes have now reached sales of over 100,000 units. We are always working to continue improving and reducing costs on our many other key products. We would like to thank all of our past and future customers and look forward to many years of providing you with quality products, affordable prices, and the best customer service and warranty in the business
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Outstanding USA made kits & bags.

    I went to the survival show in York PA this weekend. I met the guys that sell these amazing kits. Check this out. I was supersized about how well made they was. They make the kits that will fit your family.
It’s time to re-think Readiness & Preparedness.
Promoting Autonomy for men and women of all ages!
For resourceful and everyday individuals
” Luck favors the well prepared”
Outstanding USA made kits & bags
edc-survival-medical-travel-special purpose-macgyver-kits-bags
Visit our “custom kit builder” page to build your own kit with only what you want
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     Women are one of the fastest-growing demographics in the hunting and shooting markets today. Despite this, major manufacturers still don’t specifically design very many guns for women. Luckily, this is changing and there are many more quality self-defense handguns for women on the market than there used to be.
     There are several important characteristics to look for when choosing a self-defense handgun. Though you would think from the marketing that all pistols for women have to be pink, that is certainly not the case. Indeed, the color of the handgun should be low on your list of priorities if you’re a woman seriously looking for a good handgun for self-defense.
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Urban Survival Tips – Five Scenarios and How to Stay Alive.

    Urban survival is more complicated than any other survival situation but staying alive is extremely possible. The key is to have a plan and to be prepared so, here are some scenarios and tips on how to survive them.
      Natural disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes really occur in the city or any place, for that matter. Furthermore, you may want to participate in earthquake drills in your locality because they teach almost everything in there. The key to surviving a natural disaster is awareness and preparation so you’ll know what to do when it happens.
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     We live in a world marked by modern conveniences. Which is totally fine, most of the time. But, every once in a while, disaster strikes. Whether there’s a horrendous storm that knocks out your power or you just get lost by wandering too far off the trails, a very bad situation can be mitigated exceptionally if you just know a few basic survival skills.
      In order to help you be a little bit more prepared for whatever might befall you, we’ve put together this list of the 8 most important survival skills that every man should know. From making fire, to building shelter, to binding your wounds – these are the talents that, when properly practiced and honed, can make all the difference between being utterly without hope and coming out the other side a victorious survivor. So bone up on the following skills, because some day you might need them.
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Pennsylvania Gun & Knife Shows.

    Aug 11-12 PA, York. York Expo Center – Memorial Hall West, 334 Carlisle Ave. Booths: 10 x10 $395/$360 Prepaid. Tables: $135/$125 Prepaid. Elect: $35. Show hours: Sat 9-5, Sun 9-4.
    Aug 18 PA, St. Thomas St. Thomas VFD, 34 Schoolhouse Rd.; 8′ tables: $20. S/U Fri 5-9p, Sat 5-8a. S/H: Sat 8-3, Adm: $5 donation; under 13 free. Contact: Craig 717-977-9240
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That Water is Unsafe to Drink.

     In this Survival Topic we will discuss why it is important that you consider ALL sources of drinking water as contaminated with disease causing organisms until you properly treat it. We will also touch upon the best method to make water safe to drink. 
     Think That Water is Clean? This, or worse, could be laying in your water supply just upstream. Your best chance of survival and staying healthy depends upon proper treatment of ALL sources of water.
     Water Born Disease Organisms I want to hammer home to you the importance of always always always (did I say “always”?) treating any water before you use it for anything you will ingest into your body.
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     Are you ready for a natural disaster? Could you survive for days, weeks or months without power? If you have thought about what it means to prepare for the worst, the RK Prepper Shows Survival Expo is for you.
    Vendors will be on-site August 11th & 12th at the York Expo Center in York, PA. Long term food storage, solar power, bug-out kits, tactical gear and so much more will be available to purchase.
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America's Largest RV Show.

September 12 - 16, 2018
      America's Largest RV Show returns to the Giant CenterSM in Hershey, September 12-16,2018. With 1,300+ RVs from the smallest travel trailer to the largest motorhome, this show is the place to shop for your next RV or fill your existing baby with the latest camping accessories and gear.
      Over 45 manufacturers representing Winnebago, Airstream, Jayco, Starcraft, Heartland, Coachmen, Tiffin, and Gulfstream, among others, will be on display with vendors offering the latest RV services and info on RV-friendly destinations.
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What Happened When Wolves were Reintroduced to Yellowstone Park

Sometimes wolves get a bad reputation simply because they are wolves but finding out they can change of Mother Nature herself is nothing short of a miracle.


     The Great American Outdoor Show is a nine-day event in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania that celebrates hunting, fishing, and outdoor traditions treasured by millions of Americans and their families.
February 2-10, 2019
Saturdays: 9:00am - 7:00pm
Sundays: 10:00am - 5:00pm
Monday-Friday: 10:00am - 7:00pm
Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex
2300 North Cameron Street
Harrisburg, PA, 17110
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How to survive a financial crisis.

     In prepping we often prepare for major catastrophes like regional storms or earthquakes. But are you really prepared to lose your job or survive a financial crisis? In March of 2017, a claim was made that nearly ½ of Americans couldn’t write a check for $500. With the financial collapse and ensuing food shortages happening right now in Venezuela, it should make us in the prepper community think long and hard about our own finances. In this article, I’ll discuss the 7 laws you should follow to weather events like an economic collapse or an even more likely scenario of losing your job.
     Budget prepping and just plain old budgeting go hand-in-hand. So let’s jump right in and discuss what I would consider 7 financial laws you’ll want to observe as a prepper.
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Bug Out Vehicles: Lessons Learned From These Badass Setups.

Toyota Tacoma Artic Vehicle

Who knew back in 2010 Toyota built a Polar Expedition truck for arctic conditions.
If your bug out location happens to be in Antarctica (hey…at least the population densities are low there) then this would be your dream bug out vehicle.
This bug out truck was designed and used to make a trip to the South Pole.
What’s even more impressive is that it successfully did just that in record time (under 40 hours).
If you got one, you’d have a 4.0-liter V6 supercharged engine that makes 341 HP. It also has an extended range gas tank that holds up to 330 gallons (so at 15 MPG you’re looking at 4950 miles until your next refill).
It’s outfitted with a set of Mickey T. Icepack tires, a beefy roll cage, and a custom suspension made with military grade steel.
It only took a mere $400,000 in mods to make this cold weather lover’s dream machine.
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Survival Gear List – The Best & Most Complete Life Saving Gear List.

Survival Gear ListThe Ultimate Survival Gear List to Help You Build Your Arsenal Of Survival Tools
How can you be absolutely certain you have all the critical gear you need for survival?
To be confident there are no more survival items left to acquire.
You can’t – unless you have The Complete Survival Gear List.
An extensive list to ensure you don’t overlook any life-saving gear.
While it’s unlikely anyone forgets a survival knife, there’s lesser known survival gear you’ve likely overlooked.
That’s why we created The Complete Survival Gear List.
It’s a list to start, track and grow your survival tools and equipment. A list to help you build your complete survival arsenal.
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How to Build the Ultimate Survival Shelter.

    This past winter (one of the coldest winters in US history, I might add) I filmed 8 episodes of a new survival show called Fat Guys in the Woods. In the show, I take 3 different guys each week deep into the wilderness to prove that if they can survive a week in the woods with me, then they can do anything they put their minds to when they get back home.
    Even though the title says “fat guys,” it’s not a weight loss show. It’s a wake-up call and ultimately a kick in the pants to bring about positive change. It’s all about men becoming better men by connecting with the wilderness and ultimately themselves. I literally take three guys off the couch and into the weather for a week with practically nothing but a knife and a canteen. It gets crazy real quick after that.
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     The most interesting thing in their release might be this though. A prototype of a new Harley adventure tourer, dubbed the Pan America. It's the first Harley-powered adventure machine since the unloved Buell Ulysses, and will hopefully be a stack better than that...
     Here's a pic of the prototype - and it looks like a proper job indeed. The engine is an all-new modular, with a 1250cc capacity, DOHC heads, and what looks like a 60° V-angle. Harley's looking to make this engine in capacities from 500-1250cc, and with a choice of two transmissions too, which could suggest a possible shaft final drive as well as the belt drive shown on some prototypes. It could even mean there's a H-D autobox on the way.
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