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“A good friendship is when someone accepts your for how your are. And accepts your past, supports your present and encourages your future.”

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What You Need To Know When Choosing A Bug Out Location.

     For anyone who is new or just getting started on their preparation plans, here is something you can start with. A Bug out location (a safe place to go in any emergency). This can be the most important thing to your survival. Having a place ready beforehand is key. There is a lot of thing to think about when choosing the right place. I have pulled together some important thing to have. A location is just one step in the preparation process.

You can have the best Bug Out location in the world, but it is useless if you can’t access it in times of a disaster. A good common piece of advice is to choose a Bug Out location which is 1 tank of gas away from you. Other common advice is to make sure there are at least 3 different routes you can take to get to your chosen location.

When SHTF (shit hits the fan), you aren’t going to be the only one fleeing! Even places which are normally very remote will likely be overrun by people seeking safety. So you’ve really got to search to find an isolate spot for your Bug Out location. Your main route can include major roadways, which you can use if you get out quickly enough and these are still accessible, but you also need to have backup routes that take you off the main roads. Main roads are often closed down in an emergency situation, or patrolled by law enforcement. You want to avoid anyone who might want to turn you back and any route that will get clogged.

I think it would be great to Bug Out in the Appalachians, which are apparently one of the top 5 Bug Out Locations in the USA. But I’ve never really hiked in the Appalachians. I don’t know the local flora and fauna. I don’t know what to expect of the weather conditions throughout the year. Familiarity is one of the biggest advantages you will have in a disaster. Get some map of the area your looking at. If you aren’t familiar with the area, it isn’t safe. Either pick a Bug Out location you are familiar with, or spend some time getting to know it!

You can only go about 3 days without water before dying. Water is also essential for hygiene, cooking, gardening, and many other things which will take us from basic survival to homesteading. Have a viable source of water! Just remember that the larger the waterway, the more time it has had to pick up pollutants. So instead of taking water from a river, pond, or lake, find a smaller source that pours into it. All water gathered from the landscape should be purified; the only possible exception is water collected directly from the mouth of a spring that has not yet been exposed to the surface. In dryer and more rugged terrain, the job of finding water gets a lot harder. Check the base of cliffs or hills, where the groundwater table is being pulled upward. Look for gorges and ravines where rainfall can pool and evaporate at a slower pace than pools open to the air. Depending on the geology, you may even be forced to look around for water on high ground. This is just as important as the location

A location in the wilderness, where you could go and Bug Out until the disaster dies down
A survival property is used for long-term disasters, whereas the wilderness location is meant for short-term disasters (hence why you need to have a 3-Day Survival Backpack). However, with the right outdoor survival skills, one could easily survive in the wilderness indefinitely. In this case, you could make your own survival shelter with a tarp or items like branches. Let’s be realistic here: not everyone is suited for wilderness survival. If you’ve got an infant, for example, you are going to want to have a better shelter than a bunch of branches overhead or a snow burrow. Your shelter doesn’t have to be luxury, but it should be able to provide you with protection from the elements and keep you warm.

The mountains make for a great Bug Out location because they offer isolation, but the land might not be very suitable for farming. You will have to learn to hunt game and wild edible plants. By contrast, an area in the plains would be more suitable for farming, but would be more accessible to invaders. You will have to balance out the availability of food and possibility of self-sustainability with all the other factors in choosing a Bug Out location. Some major self-sustainability factors include:

Sunlight for solar panels
Land for livestock
Soil arability
Wood for heating

Even if you choose a really isolated location for your Bug Out location, people are still going to come across it. Especially in a SHTF situation where many people are fleeing. This mostly applies to long-term BOLs, such as if you are buying a survival property. With a short-term BOL (the nomadic approach), you can just flee or hide if you encounter anyone. But, with survival properties, your location is going to be even more of a target because it will have resources like a garden and solar panels. When choosing your Bug Out location, consider how safe it will be and how you would be able to defend it. Some good points to look for are:

Located on top of a hill with a good vantage point
Is camouflaged
Has natural barriers, such as it is surrounded by a river or mountain cliff
Can you set up barb wire fences or defend the property yourself with ammunition?

Medical Care
Are you going to have the right supplies at your bug out location? While you might have enough food and water, what if you have a large cut and can’t heal yourself? You might consider a bug out location that is close enough to civilization that you can go to a hospital or find the right drugs that you need but is also far enough away that you can escape if you need to.

Related Article: Creating Your First Bug- Out- Bag

This will help you get a good start. There might be other things that you may need to do to finish you bug out location. This is just the basics. Everyone has different needs. You should do what's best for you. I hope this helps make thing a bit easy. The biggest thing is to remember preparing now, will save you live later! 

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How much better would life be if a liar’s pants really did catch fire?

Has Commercializing Gone Too Far?

     The Grand Canyon is one of the most photographed landscapes in the world. Is one of the seven natural wonders of the world. The Grand Canyon is about five or six million years old, but rocks at the canyon bottom date back about 2 billion years. Human artifacts have been found dating back nearly 12,000 years to the Paleo-Indian period, and it's been continuously occupied into the present day. Most visitors spend only a few minutes at the South Rim, experiencing just that famous view of Grand Canyon National Park, unaware of the canyon's role as home to ancient peoples, animals and plant life or the threats and economic pressures placed on it.

     This beautiful place is problem not going to be here for much long. It will away be here but just not the same. There are developer that have this crazy idea to commercialize the canyon. They want to make millions on tourist. There are two very real development projects are threatening to impact the canyon in a big way. Anyone who has intimately experienced the sacred places within its walls, or hopes to someday, should be very concerned.
     Less than two miles from the park’s entrance, the gateway community of Tusayan, a town just a few blocks long, has approved plans to construct 2,200 homes and three million square feet of commercial space that will include shops and hotels, a spa and a dude ranch.” While plans to build a community outside of the park may not raise red flags for some, it’s those like Fedarko who are deeply familiar with the canyon, who know what the real cost of that development would be.

     The proposal by developers Confluence Partners LLC from Scottsdale, Arizona, also included a half-mile elevated walkway and food pavilion along the Colorado River and a 420-acre commercial and lodging “village” on the rim. Here, the plan called for 5,000 square feet of restrooms, an RV park, gas station, helipad, restaurants, retail shops, motel, luxury hotel, the Navajoland Discovery Center and additional infrastructure.

  Under the proposal, the tribe would be on the hook for an initial $65 million investment for roads, water and powerlines and communications, while providing a non-revocable 20-year operating license including a non-compete clause. In return, the Navajos would receive just 8 percent of the revenue. This is not fair to the Navajos. 


       If you’re thinking that these projects could never happen…well, have you heard the story about Glen Canyon?  We lost one of the greatest river canyons in the world to development once before.  We can’t afford to do it again.The Grand Canyon and the people and communities that depend on it cannot be left to bear the risks of unfettered uranium mining, which is what will happen if the moratorium is removed. The Grand Canyon should be protected for all of us, for all time. While today is a moment for celebration, we must remain vigilant. American Rivers will continue to defend the Grand Canyon and the Colorado River to ensure a positive legacy for future generations.

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“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”

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What Does Social Media Do For You!

       Social media is a phrase that we throw around a lot these days, often to describe what we post on sites and apps like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and others. Some people have more of a restricted view of social media. Other people don't consider blogs to fall under the social media category. It seems as if everyone has their own personal opinion of what social media is and isn't.

There are some good things about Social media and there are some very bad things too. I am going to talk about the good and bad. Some of them obvious and others not so much. So the good first.

Pros of Social media:

Ability to connect to other people all over the world. One of the most obvious pros of using social networks is the ability to instantly reach people from anywhere. Use Facebook to stay in touch with your old high school friends who've relocated all over the country, get on Google Hangouts with relatives who live halfway around the world, or meet brand new people on Twitter from cities or regions you've never even heard of before.

Easy and instant communication. Now that we're connected wherever we go, we don't have to rely on our landlines, answering machines or snail mail to contact somebody. We can simply open up our laptops or pick up our smartphones and immediately start communicating with anyone on platforms like Twitter or one of the many social messaging apps available.

Real-time news and information discovery. Gone are the days of waiting around for the six o'clock news to come on TV or for the delivery boy to bring the newspaper in the morning. If you want to know what's going on in the world, all you need to do is jump on social media. An added bonus is that you can customize your news and information discovery experiences by choosing to follow exactly what you want.

Great opportunities for business owners. Business owners and other types of professional organizations can connect with current customers, sell their products and expand their reach using social media. There are actually lots of entrepreneurs and businesses out there that thrive almost entirely on social networks and wouldn't even be able to operate without it.

General fun and enjoyment. You have to admit that social networking is just plain fun sometimes. A lot of people turn to it when they catch a break at work or just want to relax at home. Since people are naturally social creatures, it's often quite satisfying to see comments and likes show up on our own posts, and it's convenient to be able to see exactly what our friends are up to without having to ask them directly.

Everyone can find something to benefit them on social media. All most everyone has some sort of social media. It has became the normal thing to have. Be aware it's not all good. We need to talk about the cons. There is more of them then you would think.

Cons of social media:

Depression and Anxiety
Do you spend more than two hours per day on social media? Spending too long on social networking sites could be adversely affecting your mood. In fact, you’re more likely to report poor mental health, including symptoms of anxiety and depression. So how to use social media without causing yourself psychological distress? If you turn to the same research (and common sense), the recommended amount of time you should spend on social networks is half an hour per day. So, as with so many things in life, it’s all about moderation.

Social media is often described as being more addictive than cigarettes and alcohol. With the worst social media apps being Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat when it comes to addiction.
Don’t know if you’re addicted to your social networks? Think when was the last time you went a full day without checking your social media accounts? What if your favorite social networks completely disappeared tomorrow; would it make you feel empty and depressed?

If you just realized you’re addicted to social media, don’t worry, as most of us are there with you in varying degrees. And it’s not necessarily a reason to go and wipe yourself off all those social networking platforms. However, if you think quitting is the best solution for you, we won’t stop you. In fact, one of our writers tried quitting social media once, and it was an interesting experience.

Before social media, bullying was something only done face-to-face. However, now, someone can be bullied online anonymously. Today everyone knows what cyberbullying is, and most of us have seen what it can do to a person. And since screens hide our faces, you can even be a jerk on sites like Reddit without realizing it. While social media made making friends easier, it also made it easier for predators to find victims. The anonymity that social networks provide can be used by the perpetrators to gain people’s trust and then terrorize them in front of their peers. These online attacks often leave deep mental scars and even drive people to suicide in some cases. You’ll be surprised to find out that cyberbullying isn’t just affecting kids, but also full grown adults.

Disturbed sleep 
People who frequently checked their social media accounts throughout the week were three times more likely to experience disturbed sleep than counterparts who monitored their social media accounts less frequently. Furthermore, those who spent the most total time throughout the day on social media exhibited twice the risk of disturbed sleep versus their counterparts.

Distracts from Real Life
Social media focuses on rather trivial things—such as what your buddy ate last night for dinner or your sister’s cat in a dress. Sure, it’s amusing stuff, but it’s not life-changing. Few are the true momentous events, like the engagements, births, and graduations that social media shares among “friends”. Because of this it can be argued that the time you spend on social media distracts you from being present in your own real life.

Promotes Inactivity
If you spend all of your free time on social networks, not only will you be unproductive, you’ll be inactive as well. That’s why it’s important for your body and mind to break away from your social networks to get some physical exercise. This increase of endorphins and blood flow to the brain will keep you healthy—mentally and physically.

Here are the numbers, it's scary! 

Social network Monthly Active Users

Facebook 2,230,000,000
YouTube         1,900,000,000
Instagram 1,000,000,000
Qzone               563,000,000
Weibo            376,000,000
Twitter            336,000,000
Reddit            330,000,000
Pinterest            200,000,000
Ask.fm             160,000,000
Tumblr            115,000,000
Flickr            112,000,000
Google+            111,000,000
LinkedIn        106,000,000
VK                      97,000,000
Odnoklassniki      71,000,000
Meetup              35,300,000

My conclusion is you need to be aware of how much time you spend on your social media accounts. Everyone is going to be different but you need to find the right balance for you. If you feel like its effects you in any way you should take the necessary step to treat the problem. It's not hard to become consumed by the enjoyment it may bring. Just be careful and mindful and you will be just fine!  

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“Prepare for the unknown by studying how others in the past have coped with the unforeseeable and the unpredictable.”

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Should We Be Preparing To Invest In An Electric Vehicle?

       So which one is better for you to have? A convention vehicle or a electric vehicle. Some people think that it will be a better option if a for the future. I am not to sure. I never really thought about it till now. So I am going to give you some valuable information. You can decide what you think. As a everyday prepper, I am always looking for new things. 

       The Rivian and its rugged R1T and R1S electric off-roaders, there’s seem to be a new interest in electric vehicles among preppers and for good reason. Most noteworthy, EVs don’t rely on gasoline, which in a grid-down scenario, becomes scarce immediately. Additionally, EVs can be charged by the sun. Yes, there are other concerns in regards to an EV without electrical grid support, but the benefits seem to outweigh to downsides.

There are three types of electric vehicles:

Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV)
A BEV is a ‘true’ electric vehicle in that the only source of propulsion is from electrical energy. Battery electric vehicles store electricity onboard with high-capacity battery packs. This battery power is used to run all onboard electronics as well as the main-drive electric motor(s). BEVs are powered by electricity from an external source, an electrical outlet or specialty electric vehicle charging stations.

Hybrid-Electric Vehicle (HEV)
A hybrid-electric vehicle has a two-part drive system, a conventional fuel engine, and an electric drive. HEVs contain all the components of both internal combustion engine (ICE) and electric vehicles. These include an ICE engine, fuel tank, transmission as well as battery pack and electric motor. Some vehicles classified as HEV may have only a small electric motor and battery system to propel the vehicle at low speeds. Other HEVs may have smaller fuel engines and relatively larger electric drives. The degree to which the vehicle is propelled, either by fuel or electric power determines on the specific make and model of the vehicle. In all HEVs the only energy source is fuel, electrical energy is generated secondarily via alternator or regenerative braking.

Plug-in Hybrid-Electric Vehicle (pHEV)
Plug-in hybrid-electric vehicles (pHEV) are similar to HEVs except that the proportion energy used to propel the vehicle is electricity, not fuel. These vehicles have larger electrical drives and battery storage capacity than HEVs and are also equipped with a smaller internal combustion engine. The vehicle is designed to engage the fuel engine when battery electricity is running low or to replace the electric drivetrain when more power is required. Since pHEVs can be recharged from an electrical outlet it is possible to drive them entirely on electrical energy.

How long do electric vehicle batteries last?
The topic of electric car batteries has been one of intense focus for those in the industry, consumers and EV skeptics alike. Unlike fuel vehicles, where the storage of fuel energy is relatively straightforward, EVs require the storage of electrical energy for propulsion. The ability to store more energy is the single largest determining factor of a vehicle’s range. The subject of electric car batteries is usually divided into the following categories: battery life, and the cost of a new battery.

Battery life
The ‘life’ of an electric car battery depends on a number of factors which include battery technology, total battery capacity, and use of the battery. While consumers are not able to control factors related to battery technology and total capacity they are able to significantly increase or decrease the ‘life’ of a battery based on charging and usage habits. Key to this finding is research which indicates that constant partial discharge of a battery can significantly increase the duration which it can be reliably used. Electric vehicle batteries which are discharged completely will typically last between 300 to 500 cycles. The same batteries which are regularly discharged to only 50% capacity will see an increase of 3 to 4 times life expectancy.

Cost of electric car batteries
Electric car batteries are typically compared by looking at the at the cost per KwH, the total cost of the battery over the total electric capacity. While batteries continue to be a large proportion of the overall cost of a new electric vehicle, that ratio is changing. Recent battery technological developments, as well as consumer demand, is driving the price of batteries down substantially. Industry analysts are reporting that the cost of batteries is falling fast than expected. The cost of EV batteries has dropped 80% in the last 6 years to below $230/kWh. Forecasts project $100/kWh batteries by the year 2026.

Can you use solar panels to charge electric cars?
The simple answer is yes, a solar installation will charge your electric car just as it will supply energy for the rest of your home appliances. Even a small solar panel array with only 10 solar panels can provide enough power to charge your vehicle’s battery.

        Solar panels and electric cars are a match made in heaven ­– when you install a solar energy system on your home, you can use it to both power your home and charge your electric car for emissions-free transportation. The cost of solar is falling rapidly, and companies from Tesla to Nissan are manufacturing electric cars for your daily use. Now, the ability to install a solar PV system large enough to power both your home and your car is an option within reach. But even with incentives and rebates available for both technologies, most homeowners still can’t afford to install solar and buy an electric car at the same time. Luckily, it’s easy to install a solar energy system today that takes your future electricity consumption into account, if you take a few additional factors into consideration.

Related Article: The estimated cost for a solar panel system on you house.

So here is some information I have found. Now you can form your own option. I think that it is something worth looking into farther. I would really have to weigh the Pros and Cons of owning a conventional versus an electric vehicle. 

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"You need only two tools in life WD-40 and Duct Tape. If it doesn’t move and should, use WD-40.
It it moves and shouldn’t, use Duct Tape."

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A look In To The Shipping Container Housing Market

      The idea of an alternative dwelling has been on my mind. Shipping container homes is the new thing. Shipping containers make good grid homes and underground shelters. Here is what you need to know about a shipping container home.

      It’s understandable why shipping containers are coveted; their affordability, durability, and portability are attractive to those seeking a living space that is quick to build. Anyone with building skills can turn one of these stuffy steel boxes into a surprisingly attractive, inhabitable home. Given the variety of container homes available now. Here are 11 manufacturers you can order a shipping container home from today:

Backcountry Containers

    The Texas based manufacturer+ Backcountry Containers, custom builds their homes with prices dependent on the size and number of the containers in the build. Homes can consist of single, adjoined, or stacked 20 foot or 40 foot containers. Additional features can be included, such as screened in porches, rooftop decks, and storage areas. All their homes are insulated and include AC and heating units, plumbing, and wiring. Also, each home is equipped for hookup up to city drainage or to greywater and blackwater tanks for off grid living.

Alternative Living Spaces

     If luxury living in a container is what you’re after, Alternative Living Spaces is a great place to start. We recently wrote about one of their homes for sale – a beautifully bright 20 foot model packed with gorgeous features. With large windows on all sides, this home offers 360 degree views of the outdoors. While this model is nearly perfect, in my opinion, ALS offers many custom options for their homes to suit any preference.


     TAYNR specializes in fabricating new structures out of recycled shipping containers, with the option of building container homes on wheels for easier portability. Their unique container projects look modern, interesting, and beautifully designed. According to TAYNR’s website, their mission is to provide a solution that replaces traditional construction with methods centered around sustainability and affordability. That’s pretty much why most of us are drawn to container homes, right?

Custom Container Living

     As their name indicates, Custom Container Living builds shipping container homes and getaways suited to their buyers’ individual needs. They are located in Missouri and will ship homes to all the lower 48 states. Custom Container Living focuses on quality and affordability, with a huge selection of styles, options, and floor plans to view for inspiration. As you can see from these photos, the interiors of these homes are absolutely stunning.

Alpha Tiny Homes

     Alpha Tiny Homes offers some of the more affordable container homes available. They are all about living simply to enjoy life’s adventures without the burden of a traditional mortgage. ATH prides themselves on providing beauty and durability in a tiny home while keeping the price low. You have no choice but to simplify and prioritize your life when owning a tiny home, as space is limited. You must be conscious of what you buy and bring into your life. You must learn to let in only what you you love and leave the rest alone. Buying less crap saves you money. Not paying to heat (or cool) a huge house saves you money. Not paying rent each month .. well, that really saves you money. Alpha has 20 foot and 30 foot home models equipped with electricity, plumbing, windows, and a bathroom with a shower. Additional options are available for all their models, such as sliding glass doors, floor-to-ceiling windows, water catchment systems, and rooftop gardens.


     Based in Seattle, Cargotecture specializes in creating cutting-edge designs with used shipping containers. Their projects include everything from single 20 foot container homes to elaborate multi container creations. Cargotecture’s base prices include new paint on a recycled container, spray foam insulation, aluminum clad windows and doors, bamboo or mahogany floors, completed bathrooms, full fixtures throughout with IKEA cabinets, water heaters, and relevant permits.


     We wrote about Meka in our earlier shipping container post, and they still stand out as a builder of fabulous, luxury container homes. Meka sells both prefabricated and custom homes made from various configurations of 20′ and 40′ ISO steel frames. While a bit more pricey than the previous models, Meka creates their opulent homes with a wide variety of interior and exterior finishings for buyers.

Rhino Cubed

      Rhino Cubed is a Colorado-based company that transforms raw, recycled steel shells into works of art. They focus on quality, artistry, and sustainability in their builds. They remind us of the many virtues of turning a container into a residence: these dwellings are built to last for generations, are very secure, and are water-proof, insect-proof, fire-resistant, and weather-proof.

MODS International

     Specializing in building a variety of modular structures out of shipping containers, MODS International will build and deliver residential homes customized to your needs. In addition to homes, they create offices, retail stores, restaurants, dorms, apartments, and more. MODS is located in Wisconsin, but they are one of the few container home builders we’ve found that will ship worldwide. At MODS International we repurpose shipping containers and turn them into amazing structures. We design and build everything from creative trade show displays, retail stores, offices, permanent residences, and more. -MODS

IQ Container Homes

      So far, this list consists of container home companies in the U.S. For buyers in or near New Zealand, IQ Container homes is an Auckland-based builder supplying beautiful homes packed with eco-friendly features. Their smallest models are perfect for a backyard office or additional sleeping space. Their larger models feature multiple bedrooms and bathrooms, all finished beautifully with a variety of custom options. With a focus on sustainability from start to finish, IQ homes are designed to minimize construction waste, utilize passive solar and cross-ventilation, and can be equipped with solar panels, rainwater systems, and a variety of other eco-friendly options.

VillageCraft Homes

      Villagecraft creates custom and prefab shipping container homes, studios, offices, and whatever else your imagination can conceive. According to their website, their container homes can be delivered anywhere in the U.S. and set up on grid or off grid. Like the “Raw Containers” from ALS, Villagecraft’s basic model does not contain a kitchen or bathroom, but these can be installed for an additional charge. The standard amenities included in each unit are laminate floors, interior wood paneling, sliding glass doors, 2 rear windows, electric sockets, and recessed lighting. And how about a built-in deck? As you can see in the model above, the side panel is lined with all weather decking and folds down to become an outdoor living space.

Related Article: Tiny Houses: Fad or Evolution

     Here are 11 manufacturers I have found. It amaze me that there are so many different manufacturers that are in to this type of housing. They make them look so much like traditional homes.  Maybe this will be your next type of home. 

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“There’s no way I was born to just pay bills and die. There is so much more to life.”

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The gold and silver debate!

     There is a lot of debate about investing in gold and silver for preppers to stockpile for any SHTF event or economic collapse, I can’t tell you how many times I hear “you can’t eat gold.” While this might be true in the literal sense, you can turn gold and silver into food and other supplies. Some people say you should and others say you shouldn't. I have found that either way there are so importing things you should know.    

      There are numerous ways to “invest” in gold and silver without actually ever seeing or holding the physical product. For example, some companies allow you to buy gold and silver that they then hold for you in their own vaults. Others allow you to trade Gold Exchange Traded Funds or ETFs, which is similar to investing in gold and silver as if they were stocks. This is called owning “paper gold” – you essentially hold a receipt, the idea being that a company or bank has gold in their vaults that corresponds with the receipts they’ve issued.

        These are broth very risky. The problem with this is you have little way of knowing if the other party actually has the gold they claim to have. They could also be shut down or put out of business, in which case you may have no way of getting the gold your receipt represented. In a SHTF situation, unscrupulous executives could even run off with their client’s gold, leaving them with nothing but worthless paper and broken promises. Basically, if you don’t buy and have the real thing in your physical possession, there is no way of knowing if it truly exists. Cautious preppers will warn that you should assume it doesn’t.

The best way to buy and physically hold your gold and silver in locations you control. Any other arrangement simply makes it too easy to be defrauded, or for unforeseen circumstances to wipe out your precious metals before you ever see them. Whether you hold them in vaults in multiple countries, in your pocket, or buried in a shoebox in the woods, the adage is, you don’t have it unless you can hold it.

        Pawn shops: Sometimes pawnshops get a bad rap, and sometimes it’s for good reason, if you find a reputable pawn shop you could take advantage of others misfortunes. Make sure you know their return policy and take your purchase and have it checked by a local jeweler, Junk gold and silver in jewelry can look real but is just gold plated. Local jewelers might also be able to point you in the right direction when purchasing gold and silver as well, just make sure and do your research before making any large purchases.

       With all the scam’s and unscrupulous brokers out there these days it can be pretty intimidating trying to figure out where to get precious metals. Find someone  that will help you make smart purchases and not throw away your hard earned money. Do you homework!!!

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“If you had eight hours to chop down a tree, You should spend six hours sharpening your ax.”
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Survival community in West Virginia

     There is a survival community in West Virginia. The community is called Fortitude Ranch. This community equipped to survive any type of disaster and long-term loss of law and order, managed by full time staff. Fortitude Ranch is a affordable because of large numbers of members and economies of scale. Not only is it a survival community it can double as a recreation and vacation facility as well as a survival retreat.  Members can vacation, hunt, fish and recreate at our forest and mountain locations in good times, and shelter at Fortitude Ranch to survive a collapse. 
      They are Expanding. This is what they are going to build. A big new 7,000 square foot shelter and lodge.  Log buildings with buried, underground basement rooms. The basement has over a dozen rooms to protect members from radioactive fallout.  There are also member rooms in the log homes, plus kitchen, bathrooms, and a beautiful upstairs living room.  A large wrap around elevated deck is a great place to hang out. Its has a great view.   
Related Article:  Inside the World's Largest Underground Survival Community
They are 12 of these ranches in all. Here is a list of all the Fortitude Ranch locations.

West Virginia 

So if you're interested in something like this you should check this out. At Fortituderanch.com 

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“Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.”

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Baking Soda has many unknown uses

     Many people don't know what you can do with baking soda. I found some useful things you can do with it. Baking soda is a cheap cleaning and deodorize. Baking soda was made for baking, but that's not all. Here are a few of the things you can use it for.

Fruit and Vegetable Scrub
Baking soda is the food safe way to clean dirt and residue off fresh fruit and vegetables. Just sprinkle a little on a clean damp sponge, scrub and rinse. Here’s another way to clean your vegetables as well.

Clean the Microwave
Baking soda on a clean damp sponge cleans gently inside and outside the microwave and never leaves a harsh chemical smell. Rinse well with water.

Clean the Oven
Sprinkle baking soda onto the bottom of the oven. Spray with water to dampen the baking soda. Let sit overnight. In the morning, scrub, scoop the baking soda and grime out with a sponge, or vacuum, and rinse.

Hand Wash Dishes and Pots & Pans
Add 2 heaping tablespoons baking soda (along with your regular dish detergent) to the dish water to help cut grease and foods left on dishes, pots and pans. For cooked-on foods, let them soak in the baking soda and detergent with water first, then use dry baking soda on a clean damp sponge or cloth as a scratch-less scouring powder. Using a dishwasher? Try these energy saving tips.

Freshen Sponges
Soak stale-smelling sponges in a strong baking soda solution to get rid of the mess (4 tablespoons of baking soda dissolved in 1 quart of warm water). For more thorough disinfecting, use the microwave.

Clean Furniture
You can make a homemade lemon furniture polish, or you can clean and remove marks (even crayon) from walls and painted furniture by applying baking soda to a damp sponge and rubbing lightly. Wipe off with a clean, dry cloth.

Clean and Freshen Sports Gear
Use a baking soda solution (4 tablespoons baking soda in 1 quart warm water) to clean and deodorize smelly sports equipment. Sprinkle baking soda into golf bags and gym bags to deodorize, clean golf irons (without scratching them!) with a baking soda paste (3 parts baking soda to 1 part water) and a brush. Rinse thoroughly.

 Remove Oil and Grease Stains
Use baking soda to clean up light-duty oil and grease spills on your garage floor or in your driveway. Sprinkle baking soda on the spot and scrub with a wet brush.

Deodorize Drains
To deodorize your sink and tub drains, and keep lingering odors from resurfacing, pour 1/2 cup of baking soda down the drain while running warm tap water–it will neutralize both acid and basic odors for a fresh drain. (This a good way to dispose of baking soda that is being retired from your refrigerator.) Do you know what you’re not supposed to put down your drains?

 Deodorize and Clean Dishwashers
Use baking soda to deodorize before you run the dishwasher and then as a gentle cleanser in the wash cycle.

 Deodorize Garbage Disposals
To deodorize your disposal, and keep lingering odors from resurfacing, pour baking soda down the drain while running warm tap water. Baking soda will neutralize both acid and basic odors for a fresh drain.

Remove Odor From Vacuum Cleaners
By using the method above for carpets, you will also deodorize your vacuum cleaner.

Deodorize the Cat Box
Cover the bottom of the pan with baking soda, then fill as usual with litter. To freshen between changes, sprinkle baking soda on top of the litter after a thorough cleaning. You can also use green tea for this purpose!

 Deodorize Pet Bedding
Eliminate odors from your pets bedding by sprinkling liberally with baking soda, wait 15 minutes (or longer for stronger odors), then vacuum up.

Extinguish Fires
Baking soda can help in the initial handling of minor grease or electrical kitchen fires, because when baking soda is heated, it gives off carbon dioxide, which helps to smother the flames. For small cooking fires (frying pans, broilers, ovens, grills), turn off the gas or electricity if you can safely do so. Stand back and throw handfuls of baking soda at the base of the flame to help put out the fire–and call the Fire Department just to be safe. (And, you should have a fire extinguisher on hand anyway, here’s why.

So, I hope you found these ideas useful. Maybe you can find more than just these.
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??? DRONES ???

      The technology of drones has been used by defense organizations and tech-savvy consumers for quite some time. The benefits of this technology extends well beyond what we could ever imagine. 

        Many of the most dangerous and high-paying jobs within the commercial sector are  being replaced by drone technology. The most safe, cost-effective way is to use drone.  And as technologies improve, so will drones ability to perform increasingly complex tasks.

According to the emerging global market for business services using drones is valued at over $127B. As more companies look to capitalize on these commercial opportunities, investment into the drone technology continues to grow.

A drone typically refers to a pilotless aircraft that operates through a combination of technologies, including computer vision, artificial intelligence, object avoidance tech, and others. Drones can also be ground or sea vehicles that operate autonomously. Below, Is just a few ways that drones, can help make every day safer and easier for us.

While drones have been used by the military for over a decade smaller, portable drones are now being used by ground forces on a regular basis. Military spending for this technology is expected to grow. This will create  drone manufacturers and software developers a tremendous opportunity. In addition to the use of new aerial technologies, militarily continue to use unmanned ground vehicles, or UGVs, to lead tactical initiatives. Startup Clearpath Robotics manufactures both UAVs and UGVs and lists the US Department of Defense, the US Army, and the US Navy as clients.


Innovations in camera technology have had significant impacts on the growing use of drones. Thermal imaging cameras have provided emergency response teams with an ideal solution for identifying victims who are difficult to spot with the naked eye. Emergency response drones have proved useful during times of natural disaster. In the aftermath of hurricanes and earthquakes, UAVs have been used to assess damage, locate victims, and deliver aid. 
Startup companies and universities are also designing systems intended for search and rescue. They have tested an ambulance drone that could deliver defibrillators on demand. By extending existing emergency infrastructure. Drones may be able to dramatically increase survival rates in both rural and urban areas around the world.


Modern medicine has had a profound impact on preventing disease, increasing life expectancy, and raising general standards of living. However, access to modern medicine has been rather difficult in many rural regions around the world. While medical supplies can be delivered by traditional means, certain circumstances call for quick access to drugs, blood, and medical technology — a need drones could fill.


       While alternative energy has become increasingly popular, fossil fuels still remain the world’s primary energy source. Inspection of the infrastructure used to extract, refine, and transport oil and gas is an important aspect of the industry. Regulation requires certain standards to minimize the risk of environmental damage. With the use of drones, much of this inspection work can be done remotely and safely. Company focused on oil and gas inspection. Oil companies to inspect offshore rigs.


As climate change continues, scientists are leveraging new forms of hardware and software for data collection. Today, most data is collected through stationary structures or captured with geospatial imaging solutions. Drones, however offer a versatile solution that can physically follow weather patterns as they develop. The data collected has been used to better understand our environment and imminent weather trends.


With the use of drones, agricultural workers are able to gather data, automate redundant processes, and generally maximize efficiency. Raptor Maps, a leader in agricultural analytics, relies on drones to help farmers better understand their potential harvest. After cultivating healthy crops, the process of harvesting is repetitive, time-consuming, and detail oriented. Planting crops can be an equally tedious and energy-intensive process.  In a research capacity, drones have also been used to pollinate flowers, and could one day prove helpful in compensating for the declining bee population.


One of the most popular commercial use cases for drones is construction planning and management. Software developers have created solutions that analyze construction progress with regularly captured data. While ground surveying is still a critical part of construction planning and monitoring, the use of drone data has become increasingly important. Camera technology is used to monitor buildings and gauge topography and soil type throughout the construction life-cycle. Drones offers a similar suite of software solutions intended to enhance project monitoring and site management.

Insurance inspections are a core area where insurance companies can use drones. Traditionally, inspectors and assessors for property insurance would scale structures to conduct manual inspections of properties, but now drones can provide an equally detailed assessment with high-resolution cameras. It’s helps ease the work of insurance inspectors


Drones have already had an impact on event surveillance and event photography/film, but are also being used more directly to entertain. Disney has been one of the more active companies in this area, and has filed for a number of drone patents focused on entertainment. Synchronized lights shows, floating projection screens, and drone puppeteers have all been considered by the entertainment giant. 

Skycam, a robotic camera suspended from a cable-driven, computerized transport system, changed the way viewers experience televised sports. The camera provides up-close and personal perspectives that traditional, stationary cameras cannot capture. Today, Skycam is a necessity for any professional arena sports broadcast. Drones, however, are becoming increasingly popular for professional sports outside of the stadium.


Though drone technology has many positive uses, it has also been used to conduct illegal activities. In particular, drones have been used to transport drugs across international borders. On the flip side of the coin, drones are also used by law enforcement for surveillance and crime prevention.


News outlets are using drones to add context and understanding to news stories, enhance production value, and improve documentary storytelling. With drones, the crew can collect footage that would be difficult to get otherwise due to safety issues, high costs, and physical barriers. 

     Drones are a very important part of our lives now and will be for a long time. As drone technology gets better, I think the number of jobs will definitely increase in this field. Who knows what new things it will bring. We should keep in mind that with every technology there are some downfalls. In the wrong hands this technology can be  dangers. We need to find the balance between technology and are privacy.         

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