36 Inspiring Christmas Gifts for Preppers.

Here is some ideas for those people on you Christmas list that are Preppers. The hardest person to shop for is a Prepper. This will help.  
      Hammer axe outdoor pocket tool –You make everyone happy with this gift. With a lifetime warrant and 12 functions, this is the only tool you’ll need in any situation.

      Tactical tomahawk – According to various reviews, this improved version of the Vietnam tomahawk can go through items such as brick, cider blocks, truck hoods, walls, and so on. I believe any prepper out there would be happy to own such an amazingly strong and versatile tool.
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Quote of the day.

"The line between life or death is determined by what 
we are willing to do."

9 Holiday Travel Safety Tips.

     The holidays are a popular time for travelers. However, the wintery weather and extensive travel time can present certain safety hazards that you should be aware of before taking your trip. 
    Here are 10 tips for safe holiday travels to consider while planning your trip this year.
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Tips for Preppers Who Are Tired of the Same Old Advice.

       I’ve read a lot of great prepping tips online over the years, and we have written prepping tips for food stockpiling, bugging out by vehicle, for female preppers, and more.

      However, I am very aware that most of the prepping tips just regurgitate the same info. Like how we should make a communication plan or learn outdoor survival skills. These are important tips but, after a while, it is all old news.
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Quote of the day.

"Nothing is impossible. The word itself says, 'I'm 

Quote of the day.


Hunting Safety: Tips for being a Safe Hunter

      When talking about safety in relation to hunting, the first place we obviously have to start is with our firearms. We have a detailed article on firearm safety and I would advise reading that article as the first step in making sure you’re safe while out in the field. 
      The biggest take away from that article is to always assume any firearm you come in contact with is loaded; if you remember that, you greatly limit your chances of being accidentally injured when handling a gun.
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How close are we to civil unrest or anarchy?

      In some cities at certain times, we have advanced from civil disobedience or civil unrest to violence to anarchy. When protesters can shut down major highways and roads and get away with it and then get invited to the White House, you know things are spiraling out of control.
          What final straw will break the camel’s back, what catalyst will cause discontent and violence to spread to areas in which they are not accustomed?
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Top 12 Cheap Thanksgiving Recipes For Preppers.

     Even as Thanksgiving approaches, millions of pounds of turkey may be contaminated with Salmonella. To add insult to injury, if you can’t afford a turkey, it is more than likely you won’t be able to afford getting sick because you consumed something contaminated with Salmonella or some other pathogen.
    Here are some Thanksgiving options that you may want to consider.
    Aside from being cheaper, they may be safer than going to the store and relying on food processing carried out by China or “migrants” working in the food industry here in the United States.
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Top 5 Guns For Surviving The Collapse of Society

       GUNS, GUNS, GUNS! Do we really have to tell you why guns are important for surviving a SHTF situation? Hopefully not. The only difficult question to answer is what kind of guns should you get?
      Well fortunately we’ve done the work for you and narrowed it down to 5 firearms that cover all the needs you would have in an urban survival situation.
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Quote of the day


Quote of the day.


Let’s Talk Turkey: Cooking Guidelines to Stay Safe.

      To stuff or not to stuff your bird that is the question. It may be a tradition in many households, and it can be done, but it must be done in such a way that the stuffing reaches an internal temperature of 165° F (73.8 C).

       The raw juices from the bird will of course drain into the stuffing in the cavity. Stuffing, or as some of us call it dressing, packed dense in the cavity may not reach an internal temperature high enough to kill bacteria, particularly salmonella.
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How To Teach Your Kids To Survive A Disaster.

      What would happen if a disaster, natural or otherwise, were to happen while your child was away from home? Would he be able to find you and get home safely? Could he tell a police officer or a teacher how to find you?

      There’s no way that you can plan for all possibilities so the best way to keep your child safe, and get him safely back to you, is to educate him and teach him what to do well in advance. PREPARE him (or her)!
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Quote of the day.


How to Deal with Stress when SHTF.

         Will you be able to cope with the stress of violence, famine and civil unrest? We live in a world experiencing dramatic change and our ability to adapt to these changes will determine weather or not we survive. Our minds are truly magnificent creations but despite its ability to keep you alive… it can also kill you.

       With this chapter you’ll better understand how the mind copes with disaster and the info presented in this chapter will help you deal with stress and change in a more effective and healthy manner. Without a proper mindset even the strongest of men are useless in the face of danger. You’ll learn to control your anxieties and fears and stand firm in the face of danger.
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Self Defense Tips for Runners.

      Self defense for runners is a little different because runners are generally more focused on running, not on who is sneaking up behind them or lurking in the shadows.

      If you’re a runner, you know self defense and safety are very important, especially when running early in the morning or late at night.  I have personally experienced the necessity, so here are my tips and my story.

Quote of the day.


Where is Gun Control Heading Next?

      Ah, gun control. If there was ever a beat-the-undead-horse political activism trope, it would definitely be gun control. The apple of their eye pie in the sky cause that unites all the fractious, cannibalistic Leftist rabble-rousers and elites from the poo-caked hills of San Francisco to the gleaming skyscraper turned supervillian lairs of New York City.

      Thanks to the election of the 46th President imbuing the GOP with a little bit of backbone, calls for gun control, a perennial lance for the left in Congress and the U.S. Supreme Court, has fallen flat, even with the starch it usually carries in the wake of such tragedies as high school shootings and other massacres that receive constant media play. This is something that liberals are not too used to encountering, especially with their relentless and remorseless astroturfing efforts.
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Winter survival items you should have in your car.

      If you are like most preppers, then every year you spend time preparing your home for winter. You check windows and doors for leaks, insulating wherever possible. You preserve your summer and fall harvest for your pantry. You stock up on essential supplies to keep your family and animals fed and your home running smoothly in the event of emergency.

      But do you take the same care to protect yourself when heading out in your car? Winter can be treacherous, and every year we read horror stories of people trapped in their vehicles due to extreme weather. What would you do if you were trapped in your car during a winter storm? Would you be safe until you were able to get help?
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The Power Of HELLO!

      This weekend we will all be celebrating Veteran’s day. As I thought about all the vets I have come across in my life, the only thing I thought about was the word HELLO. Why Hello?

       Hello is a word that everyone can use. Most vets are just normal people on the outside but maybe very lonely on the inside. If we could just take two minutes to say “HELLO”, just maybe they might feel like they have a friend. Even if it is just for a split section.

        Most vets hear “ Thanks for your services” at least one time on Veteran’s day. That’s good, but expected. By saying “HELLO” you might get to have a conversation with them. Who knows you might be the only person that takes the time to start a conversation. I have learn that the most importing thing to them, is to be respect and loved as a person. Not always for what they have done.

       So on this Veteran’s day and every day after, try to do a little more than just thanking them. Try to say Hello. You might just gain a friend. They might have some really cool stories and some life lessons to share with you. 

Happy Veteran’s Day! 

Quote of the day


4 Survival Skills To Teach Your Kids To Get Them Interested In The Wild.

       As a bushcraft practitioner and instructor, I spend a lot of my time teaching people about how to thrive in the wilderness, as well as sustainable practices and resource management. More importantly, I am a father, and passing those skills down, and developing the next generation’s interest in the outdoors is something I am deeply passionate about.

       When I speak about getting the younger generation interested in the outdoors, it’s not just camping and survival skills that benefit them. On top of the benefits to mental health, wellbeing, confidence and the fact that increased exposure to nature and the outdoors can help children develop an appreciation of nature and the environment, there is the obvious link between survival skills and the safety, resilience, and capability of those children taking part in potential emergency situations.
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Tips To Be Prepared For a Pandemic.

     In today’s connected world, the threat of a pandemic affecting our country is greater than ever before. We’ve all seen viruses such as ebola that wiped out hundreds of people and threatened to spread across the globe, even with steps taken to contain it.
      With this risk present, it’s important to be prepared. Use these tips to survive a pandemic and have exactly what you need in place before facing this disaster.
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Quote of the day.

The akward moment when “Doomsday Preppers” starts making sense.

What to do if there’s an active shooter at your workplace.

       A woman injured at least three people and died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound after a shooting at YouTube's headquarters in San Bruno, California on Monday. Last December, a shooting at a California law office left two dead. That same month, a gunman killed two, plus himself, in a Houston workplace shooting.
         While office shootings are rare, they are increasing. According to a 2018 report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, workplace shootings went up by 83 cases to 394 total from 2015 to 2016 and they comprised 79 percent of all workplace homicides in 2016.
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How To Find Fallout Shelters Close To Where You Live Within Mins.

      I don’t know about you, but nukes scare the hell out of me. There’s just something wrong with an engineered chunk of metal possessing the ability obliterating an entire city. It’s not right. And honestly, we’ve all been extremely lucky so far. Fortunate this power hasn’t been unleashed on us.
But it’s starting to feel like we’re on borrowed time…
      And it’s not just the initial blast either – as if that’s not bad enough.When these bombs detonate they scatter nuclear-charged particulates into the air we breathe.This nuclear dust is called fallout, and it’s an invisible assassin. It’s a horrific thing to think about… But it’s now apart of our modern reality.
Something all of us must wrestle with one way or another. Some folks choose to ignore these facts and pretend the threat doesn’t exist or theirs nothing they can do about it anyways.
That’s a defeatist attitude and NOT one I’m willing to accept!
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Quote of the day!

Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it.

101 Paracord Uses For Survival & More

        Parachute cord or Paracord as we know it today was originally developed for use by the military in the suspension lines of parachutes. Made of a lightweight nylon Kernmantle Rope nowadays this versatile cord is not just used by the military. In fact, there are many paracord uses that can help preppers, survivalists, and civilians with a multitude of tasks.
       Paracord is made up of an all nylon construction which includes a high number of interwoven strands which gives it its strength and flexibility. This lightweight and portable cord has many useful applications beyond what it was originally developed for. Such as paracord survival bracelets, knife or other lanyards, first aid uses and shelter building to name a few.
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20 Most Important Medicinal Uses for Honey.

      Honey is one of those food that have been around for a lot longer than there were any humans able to harvest or use it. But, since the human species came about, honey began following its development as one of the key foods and overall beneficial nutrients in many different places on the globe.
      Today, honey is cherished and widely used as much as ever – while at one point in the 20th century, the process of refining industrial sugar seemed to be on its way to phasing out honey, in the early 21st century, it is clear that this important product of bees is not going anywhere.
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How To Survive Mass Shootings And Sniper Attacks

     A successful terror act and a population in panic may invite more attack. In these uncertain times of our society, people keep asking what they should do if ever they got caught in the same shooting scenario.
      The internet did a great job in spreading informative videos and articles on how to survive an active shooter situation. However, there are many kinds of terror attacks and each requires a different set of safety responses. Your game plan to survive in one may not work on the other.
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5 things you need to know about an EMP

        The threat of an EMP event or Electromagnetic Pulse attack has been brought before Congress as a very real threat to the United States electrical infrastructure. EMP’s have been referenced in movies like Ocean’s 11, the Matrix 2 and Broken Arrow. 
        In addition, fictional books like Going Home and 1 Second After use the concept of an EMP attack as the catalyst to create the collapse of society as we know it. In this article, we’ll discuss 5 things you need to know about EMP’s and we’ll focus on separating fact from fiction.
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Quote of the day.

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most adaptable to change.

Quote of the day

You can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air, but only for one second without hope.

10 Ways to Fool the Authorities and Escape Martial Law.

      We're not talking about a regional or short term enactment of martial law. We're talking about martial law under a government with an agenda to root out and destroy any elements that are not in line with their specific agenda. How many Jews learned the hard way in World War II that the Nazis hated Jews and wanted to exterminate them?
      In a government collapse following any number of disastrous events that might befall a nation, we can bet that the next government to come to power in this day and age will need force, and a lot of it, in order to quell a rebellious people.
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50 Highly Effective Multi-Use Survival Tools

       Now, we know what the basic survival supplies are: Food; water; weapon or weapons for self-defense; shelter; clothing; map and compass; fire making materials such as a lighter or flint and magnesium; candle; flashlight; backpack or get home bag.
      These are the basic survival tools. The top 10 -- if you don't have these top ten survival supplies when a serious disaster hits, you may be in trouble shortly, and you'll want to figure out how to get each of these top 10 items as soon as possible. But There's More To Survival
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