How To Pack Your Bug Out Bag For Survival.

      Scared yet excited, Rick raced anxiously to retrieve the large bundle he had carefully hidden in the corner of his garage. This was the moment he had anticipated, and he was ready.
      Several months ago, Rick had come across a video about Bug Out Bags (BOBs) while surfing the Internet; even with no outdoor or survival experience, he decided he needed one. Planning a personal BOB seemed like an awful lot of work, so in his panic he bought the most expensive pre-made bug out kit he could find. After dropping a whopping $3,000, he felt confident he was prepared for any emergency and left the pack hidden for 2 years. Now, he would finally get the chance to use it.
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The 7 Best Handguns for the New Shooter.

    There are several firearms available today that I could list as one of the 7 best handguns for the new shooter. To make the list, a firearm has to meet the following: have some type of safety feature, is known for accuracy, is easy to clean, is reliable and is available in 9mm.
     Note, however, that the compatibility between gun and shooter depends upon the shooter. It depends how big their hands are, what they’re looking for in a gun and what they need it to do. Here is a list of the 7 best handguns for the new shooter!
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Preppers Checklist Guide (200 Survival Items)

     Investing in silver and prepping for an economic collapse somewhat go hand in hand. If a doomsday scenario really does play out there is much more you can do to prepare for yourself and your family than just buying silver. Prepping is not a 1-time event, but will be on going especially if you’re looking to acquire certain skills or training.
     It’s highly recommended to have at least a 30 day supply of food/water and well as basic essentials. This is prudent regardless of what happens in the future. Below is a 200 point preppers checklist covering all the basics and then some for your convenience and to start you down the journey!
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78 Item Preppers Checklist: Not Just What But Why.

      A prepper’s supply list that not only tells you what to stock for future emergencies but also why. We’ll deep dive into all the core prepper essentials.
Stuff everyone needs to survive (like food and water) but also cover some lesser known items as well.
We’ll also go over a few of the best solutions for each item.
By the end of this preppers list – you’ll have your own stockpiling game plan for a variety of emergencies.
     Here at Skilled Survival, we plan for the worst and hope for the best.
That means this preppers list is extensive and is written with a worst-case scenario in mind.
A long term, widespread, emergency disaster in which life, as we know, becomes changed for a very long time.
     Some people call such a major disaster event “TEOTWAWKI” (the end of the world as we know it) others call it “SHTF” (shit hits the fan).
And we could argue endlessly how likely any of these scenarios are, but we’re not interested in that conversation today.
     Instead, if you plan for the worst, your plan will cover all emergencies big or small, long or short.
If you plan for the worst, you’ll be ready.
And that’s what’s important.
Before we jump in, make sure you bookmark this page right now so you can come back to this free preppers list often to build out your preps over time. Go ahead, do it now, before you forget.
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This Is The Safest Hideout in a Zombie Apocalypse, According to Statistics.

      In the event of a zombie apocalypse, it's imperative that you have a plan. If you're influenced by the movies, then you might be inclined to take your chances and head for the nearest pub or shopping mall in order to outwit a growing horde of bloodthirsty zombies.
      Your average shopping mall is equipped with all the important first-world amenities we desire. And if the whole world's going to hell anyway, why not live out your days eating cheap fast food and trying on clothing you'd never be able to afford in real life? And at least in a pub you can get blind drunk while you wait for the inevitable.
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Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse.

       There are all kinds of emergencies out there that we can prepare for. Take a zombie apocalypse for example. That’s right, I said z-o-m-b-i-e a-p-o-c-a-l-y-p-s-e. You may laugh now, but when it happens you’ll be happy you read this, and hey, maybe you’ll even learn a thing or two about how to prepare for a real emergency.
A Brief History of Zombies
       We’ve all seen at least one movie about flesh-eating zombies taking over (my personal favorite is Resident Evil), but where do zombies come from and why do they love eating brains so much? The word zombie comes from Haitian and New Orleans voodoo origins. Although its meaning has changed slightly over the years, it refers to a human corpse mysteriously reanimated to serve the undead. Through ancient voodoo and folk-lore traditions, shows like the Walking Dead were born.
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10 Top Tips for Creating an Emergency Stockpile for Your Home.

      Many of us are paralyzed by the job of home emergency planning. It’s hard to plan for the unknown.
But stockpiling food and water is like buying insurance: Your household may never face a devastating earthquake, a crippling storm, a flu pandemic or other disaster — but if it does, and you are cut off even for a week from food and services, a cache of stored food, water and other supplies may prove priceless.
      So, if you have been procrastinating (while watching news of the ongoing hurricanes pummeling Southern states) you know it’s time to get on it.
Here are 10 easy ways to jump-start your process and get going:
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14 Best Underground Bunkers And Emergency Shelters.

       You can own your own missile command center and underground bunker, or your own ex-defense nuclear fallout facility. Underground bunkers for sale have skyrocketed recently and it is no wonder with the way the world is at the moment. Some of them are easy too, just order online, dig a hole and get it dropped in and you have just secured yourself one of these underground bunkers or storm shelters.
       For those that have it, a bunker is the perfect way to hide out until the dust settles. Whether you are using it for a place to store your long-term food supply, your water supplies, and your protective gear, or you’re making it into a livable environment just in case a nuclear or chemical attack, or a storm happens in your neighborhood, a bunker serves its purpose in a modern day world, there’s no doubt about that.
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Ready or Not? 10 Emergency Preparedness Tips Every Family Can Use.

      When an emergency strikes, one of the biggest obstacles in many family dynamics is also one of the biggest potential lifesavers: communication. Listening, learning and communicating effectively may not sound like sophisticated survival techniques, but they are—and they are all too often overlooked.
As disasters strike with more frequency and force throughout the world, it’s critical for every family to have a talk about what to do during an emergency. But the conversation shouldn’t begin and end there. Preparing for worst-case scenarios and recovering from catastrophes can mean the difference between staying safe or suffering loss, and feeling prepared can bring everyone piece of mind.
Here are 10 tips every family can use to prepare for, survive and recover from all kinds of calamities.
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12 Edible Bugs That Could Help You Survive.

      In many parts of the world, eating bugs is commonplace. Insects are actually the most abundant protein source on the planet, and many of them boast dense concentrations of en-vogue nutrients like omega 3's that we buy at fancy grocery stores. If 2 billion people can invite insects to the dinner table, it shouldn't be too much of a stretch for you to include edible bugs in your emergency survival diet.
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     We live in a world marked by modern conveniences. Which is totally fine, most of the time. But, every once in a while, disaster strikes. Whether there’s a horrendous storm that knocks out your power or you just get lost by wandering too far off the trails, a very bad situation can be mitigated exceptionally if you just know a few basic survival skills.
     In order to help you be a little bit more prepared for whatever might befall you, we’ve put together this list of the 8 most important survival skills that every man should know. From making fire, to building shelter, to binding your wounds – these are the talents that, when properly practiced and honed, can make all the difference between being utterly without hope and coming out the other side a victorious survivor. So bone up on the following skills, because some day you might need them.
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Top 10 Survival Tips That Could Save Your Life.

      Survival tips may save your life sometime, and as the Boy Scout motto reminds us, it’s good to always be prepared in survival situations, so in this video we count down 10 tips for surviving present day situations.

Survival Debate: What is the Ultimate Survival Vehicle.

       We spend a lot of time talking about bug out bags, survival gear, long term food storage and weapons here at Survival Cache but we haven’t spent a lot of time debating the Ultimate Survival Vehicle (Bug Out Vehicle).  In the event of a major crisis, there is a very real possibility (especially if you live in a more urban area) that you may have to leave your primary refuge.
      During a disaster, following your Plan A and staying in your home fortress might be derailed due to any number of reasons (ex: flooding, urban unrest, biological/chemical, nuclear fallout, viral pandemic, economic collapse, TEOTWAWKI, etc.).  When you have to turn to a Plan B and you have your bug out bag in hand, which method of transportation do you turn to?   (Ultimate Survival Vehicles listed in random order)
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Top 7: Best Guns For Seniors.

Recently, we received an email asking if we can recommend the best guns for seniors. It’s an idea that’s been suggested to us by multiple readers before, yet it had been put on the back burner, partly because it seemed a bit insulting to suggest that seniors would need different firearms that other shooters.

Then we received a request that read as follows:
“I see a good bit of information on weapons but little that helps me decide what weapons are best for those with less strength.  I am only 60 but I have a genetic defect in connective tissue that does not offer much protection to my joints.  Specifically I am concerned about recoil of handguns or too much kick-back on rifles.”

Suddenly, it made perfect sense to do the research, because it may actually help one of our readers in their buying decision. If this information helps her, we’re satisfied. If you find yourself in the same boat, perhaps it can also help you.
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Wilderness Survival Tips.

Building a Shelter

Fortunately, it’s easy to build a lean-to. All you need are a few sticks and a tarp. It’s not like, say, building a lasting relationship. That’s apparently impossible. Just find a large rock and lean some sticks against it. Throw the tarp over them. That should keep you safe. At least until you get a text from your girlfriend, Kate, telling you that it’s over, because “you don’t have your shit together.” What does that even mean? Cover the tarp with leaves.

Getting Your Bearings

Look for moss. In the northern hemisphere, moss grows mostly on the north side of trees. See, I’m not directionless. I have a life plan. I’m writing this survival article, on spec, and then I’m going to go to culinary school. Or maybe I’ll invent something for “Shark Tank.” It doesn’t matter. I’m only thirty-two. If you can’t find moss, follow the stars or something.
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6 Urban Survival Skills to Master Now.

Cities are notoriously the worst places to be when a disaster breaks out.  The high population density means that you are susceptible to injuries from falling buildings.  There are numerous hygiene risks from trash and sewage.   Oh, and let’s not forget the mass chaos which ensues in the form of looting and rioting!
Like most survivalists and preppers, I plan on getting out of dodge if a major disaster strikes.  But, I also know that bugging out isn’t always the best solution.  Even if I do decide to evacuate with my family, I still have to get out – which is where the urban survival skills come into play.
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What To Pack In Your Hurricane Survival Kit.

Hurricane season doesn’t officially end until November 30th. As we stay on the lookout for upcoming storms, it's important to think about what to keep on hand in order to be prepared. We even wrote this handy guide to practical steps to take before or during evacuation. Even if you’re not in a storm's direct path, it’s worth it to keep a survival kit around and stocked in the case of tornadoes, other hurricanes, or flooding. An emergency preparedness kit can literally be life-saving—and good for peace of mind. To that end, we consulted the National Hurricane Center to see what they recommend for a basic survival kit.
Here's what they recommend you keep on hand:
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Hurricane Florence, 1 million people are told to flee the US East Coast.

Wilmington, North Carolina (CNN)The southern East Coast of the United States is bracing for the arrival of Hurricane Florence, as the storm -- already packing winds as strong as 130 mph -- is expected to near Category 5 strength before it strikes overnight Thursday.
More than 1 million people face mandatory evacuation orders in coastal areas of Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina as one of the strongest hurricanes to aim for the eastern seaboard in decades nears shore.
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Build your own Underground Bunker.

      Okay, so you might not be able to do all this by yourself, but this might get you started on your way to having your very own, very quiet and thick skinned underground bunker.
Why would you want one?
       Well, that’s the question, isn’t it. Most people don’t do the whole underground thing, unless they’re mad dictators or something of the sort. The problem with this is that none of us are reallyready, if you catch our drift. If something were to happen, where you would need an underground, reinforced hideout, you’re out of luck now, aren’t you? Yes you are.
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5 tips (from scientists) on how to survive a zombie apocalypse.

    Bad news – you are almost certainly doing it wrong. Simply hiding inside buildings – or God forbid, running around smashing in zombie skulls with a baseball bat – is a terrible idea, Cornell University researchers revealed after running the first ‘complete’ mathematical simulation.
     The best way to survive is actually to run for country areas – in particular sparsely populated mountains (the researchers give the example of the Rockies, but the Cairngorms ought to do it).
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The Best Vehicle to Have in the Event of an Apocalypse.

      Picture the scene where an apocalypse happens. Okay, that was a dumb thing to say, nobody knows what an apocalypse would look like. However imagine by some fluke that you had survived and now you wanted to stay alive. You need a suitable vehicle which will help keep you safe and be able to navigate thru the new world with all its dangers.
      This 18-ton truck is a beast, admittedly it won't get very fast and is probably not that easy to drive, but why would you care when all you want to do is survive! Not only will this help you do that, but you can also do it in a little bit of comfort too with nice sofas, a comfy bed, and an indoor toilet.
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Hurricane season is here.

     Hurricanes are massive storm systems that form over warm ocean waters and move toward land. Potential threats from hurricanes include powerful winds, heavy rainfall, storm surges, coastal and inland flooding, rip currents, tornadoes, and landslides. The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30. The Pacific hurricane season runs May 15 to November 30. Hurricanes:
    Can happen along any U.S. coast or in any territory in the Atlantic or Pacific oceans.
Can affect areas more than 100 miles inland.
Are most active in September.
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How To Doomsday Prep Like An Economist.

    The New York times had a story recently about growing popularity of preppers, or the “swelling class of weekend paranoiacs of affluent means who are starting to mull fantasies of urban escape following the endless headlines about disasters”, as they put it. Let me be clear up front: I’m not a prepper. I don’t think social and economic collapse is imminent. But for the preppers and would-be preppers out there I thought it might be useful to consider how an economist would doomsday prep.
    Let’s get right to the gold. People really like to imagine that owning gold, silver, and other precious metals is a hedge against an economic and social calamity. For some reason, goldbuggery and doomsday prepping are two flavors that go great together. The argument is that precious metals have been used for currency in earlier societies, and so when paper currencies become worthless as governments crumble, we’ll revert back to using precious metals. That's the argument, but part of the appeal is surely that it’s just fun to own gold and precious metals. It makes you feel like an explorer, pirate, king, or some other literary figure. Here’s the thing though: consider the income effects.
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Tips On How To Survive A Nuclear Blast.

    The world is on edge as North Korea threatens America with a nuclear attack, and many are imagining the unthinkable. However, if you are half-a-mile from the epicenter of the explosion, it is possible to survive a nuclear blast.
     "It's what you do in the first 5 to 10 minutes after a bomb goes off that's going to save your life," radiation safety expert Andy Karam told Inside Edition. If you can get inside and put 20 to 30 feet between you and the fallout, the distance will keep you safe.

How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse.

     Okay, so maybe zombies aren’t exactly real (…yet),  but it doesn’t mean we can’t have a discussion as to what our lives would be like if they actually took over the world.
      Thanks to video games like Resident Evil, Left4Dead, and Dead Rising, movies like 28 Days Later, Dawn of the Dead, and Army of Darkness; and TV shows like the Walking Dead and Hannah Montana, zombies are EVERYWHERE these days.
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Top 10 Lies About Wilderness Survival.

     If you like hiking or camping or hunting, you probably think you’d be pretty good at wilderness survival. But that isn’t necessarily true. Those activities are temporary and usually involve lots of gear and food. Being lost in the wilderness for days with few or no supplies is a completely different experience.
      The idea that outdoorsy people are automatically good at surviving in the wilderness is just one of ten common lies pointed out in this video by EverydayTacticalVids.

      There’s a common theme running through most of these lies: As long as you have the right gear, you’ll be able to survive in the woods. In reality, you also need to have plenty of knowledge, skills, experience, and determination. Keeping yourself alive while separated from civilization is far more difficult than it looks on TV.
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