78 Item Preppers Checklist: Not Just What But Why.

      A prepper’s supply list that not only tells you what to stock for future emergencies but also why. We’ll deep dive into all the core prepper essentials.
Stuff everyone needs to survive (like food and water) but also cover some lesser known items as well.
We’ll also go over a few of the best solutions for each item.
By the end of this preppers list – you’ll have your own stockpiling game plan for a variety of emergencies.
     Here at Skilled Survival, we plan for the worst and hope for the best.
That means this preppers list is extensive and is written with a worst-case scenario in mind.
A long term, widespread, emergency disaster in which life, as we know, becomes changed for a very long time.
     Some people call such a major disaster event “TEOTWAWKI” (the end of the world as we know it) others call it “SHTF” (shit hits the fan).
And we could argue endlessly how likely any of these scenarios are, but we’re not interested in that conversation today.
     Instead, if you plan for the worst, your plan will cover all emergencies big or small, long or short.
If you plan for the worst, you’ll be ready.
And that’s what’s important.
Before we jump in, make sure you bookmark this page right now so you can come back to this free preppers list often to build out your preps over time. Go ahead, do it now, before you forget.
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