The collapse of monetary systems can be an epic event. Humanity sink under a widespread apocalypse would be catastrophic. The fall of the economy would be an unfortunate event. A government takeover would change everything. Global warming, embellishment of the national electrical grid would kill many. An EPM or an nuclear/ biological war would could be life changing. So there are some idea scenario we can look in to.
A good place to be when your preparation is complete is to have an underground bunker. A stockpile of ammo and weapons. A source of power, like a wind or solar system. Secure from airborne toxins. Of course you bunker should be fully stocked with food, water ect….
The idea end place if your not one to bug out, would consist of a very secured property. A good thing to have is a gate that is military grade. Shatterproof doors and a state of the art surveillance system. Of course it should be fully stocked with food, water ect….
Maybe a secluded piece of land with an good sources of water. You want to financial security. Have a some gold or silver to barter with others. A source of power, like a wind or solar system. This is like the homestead idea. And of course you normal stock of food, water ect….
A prepper community is an another option. This is an self contained, self reliance compound. With warehouses full of supplies. You would be with others that have the same prepper ideas as you. A source of power, like a wind or solar system. And you normal stock of food, water ect….
This is for the preppers that are worried about global warming. The idea is to have a property that is above sea level. Around 1,200 feet or more. You should think about having a radio and communication support system. Antennas that receive voice, date and satellite information from around the world. A house that can withstand hurricane strength wind. Windows with power storm shutters.
The last idea is out there for most but cool. A large yacht. This could be your million dollar safe house. You could carry tons of supplies. Then you could find an island that you could eventually live on.
Relate article: Kinds of Preppers and what we are Preppering for.
These are some costly place to have. It’s not for everyone! You should try to take this and make it your own plan and place. Depending on what your planning for and your needs, you can use this as a starting point for your place and plans. Just remember there are no actual set in stone place or plan. It ALL depends on your, finances, situation and your needs. There are thousands of preppers all with ideas. So the best thing for you to do is to listen and then form you own plan and place to fit you needs.
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