Don't Watch Your Money Go Down The Drain.

        As a prepper I have learned you have to keep an open mind. What do I mean? Prepping isn't just about stocking up on food and water. It is so much more. I am learning something new everyday. This is an important thing to do. No one knows everything! So by keeping an open mind you can learn a lot of very important skills.

There is no point to stock up with food, water ect… if you don’t know what to do with it. It will be a waste of time and money. You have a lot to learn. You can do this a couple different ways. You can watch YouTube videos and search the web. This can be beneficial, but be careful because you can't believe everything you read or watch. So this is what I do. I read and watch as much on the subject as I can. Then I take everything I have learned and come up with something that's in the middle, that makes sense. Then take what you came up with and try it out if possible.  
        Another thing you can do, is to take classes. For example: self defense class, gun classes, how to garden classes, ect…. The only downside to this is it cost money and takes a lot of time. This way only works for some people!
And finally everyone need friends! If you make friends with other preppers you can share ideas and trick. This could be beneficial in two ways. One, your building your skills and your socializing with others. 
      I am sure there our other ways to build your knowledge. Just find what works for you and run with it. You never can learn to much. Have some fun with it!     

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1 comment:

  1. Here is a question to consider; After the SHTF and its been 3-5 yrs, how are you doing? If things were bad, chances are they are still bad. Can you live day to day and survive now that your rice and beans have run out? It's not just getting through to initial hell on earth situation but now you are responsible to live day to day.
    Second comment about ways to learn; just do it and as you do, you learn.
