The Culture War We Are Fighting Daily

     Culture war is conflict between traditionalist, classical liberal, or conservative values and social democratic, progressive or social liberal values. Culture wars have influenced the debate over history, science and other curricula in all societies around the world. The time has came, where its not being a conflict, but an all out war. This has split or county in two. It's not about having a difference of opinions any more. People are getting hurt for voice they opinions. We are supposed to have the right to say how we feel. What has changed? Is it fixable? What can we do to fix this?
     There are elements of the ongoing culture wars that are in debate. Much of this evolution has to do with a widening gap between members of America’s middle class. The cultural conflict of the last four decades has mostly taken place within the white middle class, mainly between the aspiring lower-middle and the comfortable upper-middle classes. But the cleavage between highly educated professionals and the less educated, nonprofessional, lower middle and working classes has widened in recent years.

     Another feature of our new culture wars is our crisis of legitimization, the very kind of crisis that troubled postwar German social theorists when they attempted to make sense of the rise of Hitler and prevent a similar historical nightmare from occurring. A growing majority of Americans believe that their government cannot be trusted, that its leaders, are incompetent and self-interested. And that as citizens, they personally have little power to influence the powerful institutions or circumstances that shape their lives.

     We want to believe that the tragic insults to liberal democracy today in the White House are a typical reason and good sense will again prevail. Yet the candidacy and presidency of Donald Trump are not an aberration, but a reflection of the political estrangement of our times. So is the authoritarian impulse we see bubbling up from the fringes. Genuine democratic freedom has become an opportunity for carefully staged political theater, the end of which is the denial of democratic freedom. The culture wars we fought before have given way to a new and worrying confrontation, the stakes of which feel darker and higher.

    So back to the questions I mentioned. What has changed? Is it fixable? What can we do to fix this? I honestly have no idea. I know we have a bigger problem them some people think. It's like all the right are founding fathers laid out are disappearing. I agree somethings need to change with the times, but has the LEFT went to far. This is a subject that I am going to have to look in to farther. Maybe I can come up with the answers! This is something everyone should be aware of. 
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