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“You’re only here for a short visit. Don’t hurry, don’t worry. And be sure to smell the flowers along the way.”

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Shooting a Full Auto AA-12 Shotgun

       At their Range Day booth, a prototype of the semi-auto gun, which has a redesigned receiver, trigger group, and action, was on hand to view but not to shoot.
   According to company reps, the gun is still in ATF limbo, as it's approval letter was delayed by the federal government shutdown. Consequently, it couldn't be on hand at the range, so the SI folks did the next best thing—they had a full-auto AA-12 on hand for attendees to shoot, plus a lot of shotshells to fill the 8-round stick magazine and two 20-round drum mags.

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Vehicle Prepping: Tips to Prepare your Car or Truck for Bug Out Disasters

        From preparing for everyday vehicle problems and breakdowns to preparing your vehicle for quick evacuations during times of crisis, vehicle-related preparedness is an important topic that you can’t afford to ignore. When seconds count, your bug out vehicle needs to be ready and able to go at a moment’s notice.
       While you could go out and buy a dedicated bug out vehicle, for the purpose of this article we are going to look at things you can do to prepare your current vehicle for disasters.

       Yes, a dedicated 4-Wheel Drive Bug Out Vehicle would be nice – and if you have the money then, by all means, go ahead and invest in one – but the fact is disasters rarely happen when you’re expecting them. Unless your bug out vehicle is your everyday driver, you need to prep all of your vehicles as if they are the one you will be using when disaster strikes.

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What Makes People Stereotype Preppers?

       Prepping is a popular term but it really just means thinking ahead and planning. This is not so different than the way people had to live a few generations ago. People that  prep for situations that may come up are call Preppers. There are many different types of Preppers. Their are the ones that are every day Preppers. These people prep for every day events. Then there are the ones that prep for doomsday. These Preppers prep for the end of the world events. To the outside world we are all the same and we are bad people. Some think we are a Militia, An occult or violent group. This is just a Stereotype.
       Stereotyping have been around forever. The stereotyping of religion, race ect… has been affecting our society. Many good people have been killed or even hurt themselves. Most of the time others stereotype. Because they don't have all the facts, or don't understand why the person or groups are doing things different from them. If they are properly education on, why or what they are doing different from them. Their opinions would change.
      A lot of people read all kinds of things interesting. They tend to discuss with others. Sure there are a lot of conspiracy theories out there, but at the same time. We need to keep in mind that this term is used to discredit a lot of arguments that challenge someone else’s viewpoint.  There is no question that there are a lot of theories out there that make no sense and have no basis. I just ask you to make that call by using your own logic and common sense rather than just completely ignoring something due to a label that gets thrown around way too easily.
       So back to Preppers. Most of us don't care what others think, but for the ones who do this can be hard. I know I don't care what people say but my kids do. I am finding myself having to explain that we are not crazy. With me a very active Prepper, people on my community talk. My kids have been asked why there mom thinks zombie are coming. They have been asked, will their mom shot them if they come their house. This is crazy.   
      I think that a firearm is a good idea, not all Preppers have an arsenal.  I get the impression more than half the Preppers don’t not, but the stereotype of Preppers all having stockpiles of dozens of guns and thousands of rounds of ammo can be harmful, and stokes fear in those that do not know any better.

Here is some things that I found can help.

Don’t Lose Your Temper

      It is hard to not feel attacked or insulted when someone makes negative comments, or uses choice descriptions even jokingly.  Don’t fuel the anger and hate by arguing your point, there's no use. You should realize that some people will never agree with you no matter what, and that is okay!
Maybe try saying
 “ I can disagree with you on 99% of everything but I still think you have as much right to your opinion as me. I don’t think yelling or attacking someone for expressing their view is OK."
 You should look at both sides.” Then walk away! This will help you not lose your temper.

Help Others Learn

     It is important to help others learn that being a Prepper doesn't mean you are crazy .Sharing how to do things with others can lead to you learning something from them too! A lot of younger people would like to learn, but they don’t have adults in their lives to show them how to do things. Take the time to help others learn if you can, and despite the differences, you may have. It is not necessary to be just like everyone you hang out with or learn skills with others. In fact, it is not healthy to not make friends. I am not saying make friends with everyone. You can be the judge of that. This is why I started this blog site to help educate others.

     Prepping can bring people together because it is common ground. Everyone needs food, water, shelter, medical care, etc. Sometimes greater understanding is really about finding and focusing on the things we have in common instead of focusing on differences that divide and create conflict.
This is just something I have found that help me along the way. I hope it can help you and your family with the mean and uneducated people out there. Good luck!

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This Is The World's First Floating Tent

      For many people, there is nothing as perfect and relaxing than spending time out in nature. Now a company from Ohio is making it possible for people to sleep in nature in a tent that is going to have you never wanting to leave.
      The Shoal Tent is being marketed as the first tent in the world that floats on water. It is eight feet by eight feet and providing you are 6 foot 3 inches or less you can easily stand up in the middle and lay down in it. The tent is just 75 pounds, and this means that it can be folded up easily and fit inside a storage bag that is provided and measures around 60 x 24 x 18 inches when folded.

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“Life’s like a ball game. You gotta that a swing at whatever comes along before you wake up and find out it's the ninth inning.”

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The Polar Vortex Will Bring A Brutal Cold Spell To Large Part Of U.S.

       A large lob of a Polar vortex is set to snap off and ice a large area around the Great Lakes and Upper Midwest by the beginning of next week.  This will be the most extreme cold that the area has faced in a generation.
        The prolonged and life-threatening cold spell will see temperatures plunge to about 40 degrees Fahrenheit below average. Parts of Minnesota could see temperatures plummet to -60 degrees Fahrenheit, while large areas will see -50 or  -40, according to The National Weather Services Twitter post. 
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Beware: 17 Types of Preppers You Should Avoid

      Not all preppers are created equal and it’s best to steer clear of preppers who will harm rather than help you. It is always good to know the warning signs so you can spot the preppers you should avoid from a mile away. Check out our list of the types of preppers you should avoid when SHTF… trust us, it’s for your own good.
     When it comes to survival and preparedness, it’s true that there’s strength in numbers. But there are some preppers you don’t want to hitch your wagon to. In a survival situation, these people are sure to drag you down, and maybe, even put you in danger. These are the ones who make rash decisions, don’t take prepping seriously, crack under pressure, or just flat-out don’t know what they’re doing. Have you met someone from these prepper categories before? In this article, we’ll cover some of the most common preppers you should avoid and tell you how to avoid them. Check out the list below to have a more efficient prepper life.
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“Our mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.

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When the SHTF Where You Live Makes a Difference

     Gather up all of the major American cities and place them in one area and you will find they only encompass four percent of the country’s land mass, while 62.7 percent of the population calls one of these major cities home, this according to the U.S. Census Bureau ( U.S. Census Bureau, 2015).
       A large concentration of people living and working in a very small land mass, so are major cities a target, of course, they are if the objective is to kill as many people as possible and to create the greatest disruption possible in this country.
       Even if only one of the major cities were to be struck by a nuclear warhead the effect would reverberate across the nation. Suppose Washington D.C. was destroyed, or New York City where the hub of the world’s financial markets hum along each day. One strike and the country would be in turmoil.

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This ‘doomsday prepper dream home’ in the Nevada desert is on sale for $900,000 — take a look inside

Ever wish you could get away from it all? 

      This  four-story, 22-room, 8,000-square-foot castle for sale for $900,000 in the Nevada desert is one solution. “In a lot of ways, it’s a ‘doomsday prepper’ dream home...extremely self-sustaining, secure and — admittedly — quite odd,” Jake Rasmuson, who is marketing the property, tells CNBC Make It.
        “Basically this property is an enormous, privately owned fortress with 16-inch-thick concrete walls and self-sustained energy systems using solar and wind, and with a 4,000-gallon water storage/rain catchment system. It’s located in the middle of the Nevada desert, and the owner has added two enormous, vintage pipe organs which resonate through the halls [when played], only adding to the oddity of it all,” Rasmuson says.
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"Life always waits for some crisis to occur before revealing itself at its most brilliant."

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Left Wing vs. Right Wing

      The fundamental differences between left-wing and right-wing ideologies center around the the rights of individuals vs. the power of the government. Left-wing beliefs are liberal in that they believe society is best served with an expanded role for the government. People on the right believe that the best outcome for society is achieved when individual rights and civil liberties are paramount and the role — and especially the power — of the government is minimized.
       Examples of an expanded role for the government include entitlement programs such as social security and Medicare, Medicaid, universal healthcare, food stamps, free public education, unemployment benefits, strong environmental laws, and other regulations on industries. Right wing ideology would favor market-based solutions to the issues that these government programs aim to tackle. For example, encouraging a freer marketplace for healthcare, driven by consumer choice to drive down costs. Or privately held retirement accounts like 401(k) plans instead of government-guaranteed Social Security.

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“The only impossible journey is the one you never begin. So being the journeys of life.”

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The Culture War We Are Fighting Daily

     Culture war is conflict between traditionalist, classical liberal, or conservative values and social democratic, progressive or social liberal values. Culture wars have influenced the debate over history, science and other curricula in all societies around the world. The time has came, where its not being a conflict, but an all out war. This has split or county in two. It's not about having a difference of opinions any more. People are getting hurt for voice they opinions. We are supposed to have the right to say how we feel. What has changed? Is it fixable? What can we do to fix this?
     There are elements of the ongoing culture wars that are in debate. Much of this evolution has to do with a widening gap between members of America’s middle class. The cultural conflict of the last four decades has mostly taken place within the white middle class, mainly between the aspiring lower-middle and the comfortable upper-middle classes. But the cleavage between highly educated professionals and the less educated, nonprofessional, lower middle and working classes has widened in recent years.

     Another feature of our new culture wars is our crisis of legitimization, the very kind of crisis that troubled postwar German social theorists when they attempted to make sense of the rise of Hitler and prevent a similar historical nightmare from occurring. A growing majority of Americans believe that their government cannot be trusted, that its leaders, are incompetent and self-interested. And that as citizens, they personally have little power to influence the powerful institutions or circumstances that shape their lives.

     We want to believe that the tragic insults to liberal democracy today in the White House are a typical reason and good sense will again prevail. Yet the candidacy and presidency of Donald Trump are not an aberration, but a reflection of the political estrangement of our times. So is the authoritarian impulse we see bubbling up from the fringes. Genuine democratic freedom has become an opportunity for carefully staged political theater, the end of which is the denial of democratic freedom. The culture wars we fought before have given way to a new and worrying confrontation, the stakes of which feel darker and higher.

    So back to the questions I mentioned. What has changed? Is it fixable? What can we do to fix this? I honestly have no idea. I know we have a bigger problem them some people think. It's like all the right are founding fathers laid out are disappearing. I agree somethings need to change with the times, but has the LEFT went to far. This is a subject that I am going to have to look in to farther. Maybe I can come up with the answers! This is something everyone should be aware of. 
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Dollar Store Shopping List For Last Minute Survival Items.

     The news is in and there’s a natural disaster heading your way. Or maybe you just want to stock up on your emergency survival gear ahead of time—a wise choice.
      In the event of an impending emergency, any of the items you really need already will have been ransacked at most grocery and convenience stores, but the dollar store is likely the last thing on anyone’s mind, so you can probably get most, if not all of what you need without the typical last-minute chaos. And whether you’re grabbing a few things at the last-minute or preparing ahead of time, you’re going to save yourself a lot of money.
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The Great American Outdoor Show is a nine-day event in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania that celebrates hunting, fishing, and outdoor traditions treasured by millions of Americans and their families.

Every year the Great American Outdoor Show hosts many outdoor industry leaders to share their experiences related to hunting, fishing, archery and more. This is your chance to learn from the best of the best, so check out the schedule and make your plans today.
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“The purpose of life is to believe, to hope, and to strive. Not to be afraid of what's to come.”

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Here’s a list of pandemic supplies to stock up on for your quarantine room

    Infectious diseases can spread rapidly across a population. This is especially true for crowded places, such as large cities and urban areas. If you or one of your family members gets infected with a contagious disease, you will have to set up a quarantine room to avoid the spread of infection. To have a well-stocked quarantine room, you’ll need these pandemic supplies. (h/t to UrbanSurvivalSite.com.)
Bleach or steramine tablets

      Sanitation should be your top priority to avoid unwanted contamination. Use bleach to sanitize anything that goes inside or outside your quarantine room. Once the illness has run its course and the quarantine is over, you’ll also have to use bleach to sanitize the room. If you don’t have bleach, you can use the more affordable option of steramine tablets. These tablets are odor-free, non-corrosive, and are suitable for food contact surfaces. Just add a single steramine tablet to a gallon of water to create a gallon of cleaning solution.

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The REAL Story About the “MAGA Kids.

     Last Friday, protesters with vastly different worldviews collided in Washington, D.C. The incident itself was not nearly as troubling as the mainstream media’s portrayal of the incident. This is reminiscent of another time the MSM only showed a portion of a video to skew the truth and support a politically correct agenda. In case you are not familiar with this story, here’s some background.
     Students from Covington Catholic – an all-male high school in Kentucky – were in D.C. for the March for Life rally.  That day, a Native American group was participating in an Indigenous People’s March.
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"We are who we choose to be. So be careful about the desiccation you choose."

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Three Survival Items That Never Fail.

       We have all watched in horror as a piece of our trusted survival gear breaks. We have all watched attachments break, blades snap and even handles crack. It happens. Most of the time it happens on a camping trip with little risk. Thank God for that! Still, it has a serious affect when it happens.
       Instantly, you are transported to a place and time where that piece of gear is all that separates you from disaster. It’s a terrifying thought. It calls into question the quality of your gear and how you handle and maintain it.

        What survival items can you add to your setup that never fail? Well, there are plenty, but three come to mind. These three will not only stand up against survival they will also make the biggest impacts on a survival situation.
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North America's Largest Privately-Owned Nuclear Bunker Was Made From 42 School Buses.

      10,000 Square foot nuclear bunker ark two ready for WW3. An 83-year-old Canadian man has spent more than 50 years preparing a nuclear bunker of more than 10,000 square feet, which he has named the Ark Two. The nuclear bunker is made up of 42 school buses that have been buried underground. It is said to be the biggest fallout shelter to be privately owned in North America.
       Bruce Beach has been building and perfecting the Ark Two for around 50 years. He built the shelter with the idea of being able to help in the reconstruction of society if there was a nuclear war. While some people have labeled him as a nutcase, Beach will have the last laugh if World War III happens.
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"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough."

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Are Your Family Members Supportive of Your Prepping?

    When it comes to family members supporting preps, I feel like I’ve heard it all. At one end, you’ve got the prepper families where each individual takes prepping seriously, and each member of the family works together toward the end goal of being more prepared. At the other end, you have individuals whose families really don’t get prepping and ostracize them, making them feel like the black sheep of the family just because they don’t understand.
    Then you have all the in betweens: the father whose family puts up with his prepping so long as he doesn’t try to involve them, the mother whose stockpile is perfectly fine in her family’s eyes, but who can’t get her family to take prepping more seriously no matter how much she tries, the individual who’s hiding his preps from all his family and friends, because he just finds life easier that way.
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Organization and Storage Ideas for Preppers

      As we get more and more into preparedness we end up with more stuff than we can we have room for. Because of this it’s important to learn about organization and storage ideas for preppers. The more prepared we become, the more challenging finding places to store everything becomes.
       It’s not only important to keep everything organized to maintain your sanity, it’s important for managing inventory and expiration dates. As I tell my children, it’s much easier to take 5 minutes a day to straighten up their rooms than it is to wait a month and have a disaster on their hands.
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“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”

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Department of Justice Study Shows Most Criminals Don’t Get Guns Legally

      For years, anti-gunners have pushed universal background checks as a means to reduce violence. They also claim that the so-called “gun show loophole” must be closed to make America safe. 
      However, a Department of Justice study shows that most criminals don’t obtain guns from show. Nor, do they buy through legal channels; most criminals steal them or buy them through the black market, just like gun rights folks claim.
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“In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: It goes on.

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When Will The World End? (Doomsday)

       Does anyone know when exactly end of the world is coming.There are so many opinions about whether or not the world Is going to end and when it will happen. Some people believes the bible is coming to passed. Others believe that global warming will be the end. Some people think it will be caused by a nuclear war. Does anyone know? Everyone is entitled to their opinions. Here is two of those opinions. 

“THE end of the world is set to begin in 2021 and will culminate in the return of Jesus Christ by 2028, according to a deceased pastor who predicted the apocalypse”

"At around 2020, the condition of the planet becomes highly critical. If we do nothing about it, the quality of life goes down to zero. Pollution becomes so seriously it will start to kill people, which in turn will cause the population to diminish, lower than it was in the 1900. At this stage, around 2040 to 2050, civilized life as we know it on this planet will cease to exist."

Now let's look at facts. There is no facts that say that on any day of any year the world will end. It could end today because of a nuclear war. Or maybe Good will come back. Maybe the global warming might get us. We all could die from a man made disease (zombies). Scientist that have study this for years are not any closer to having a excited day and time than before.They keep moving the clock when is get closer to the time of it expiring.  I guess what I am saying is anything could happen.

       The reason that people believe the world will end is because most of then have been influenced by others opinions. If you was taught that Good is coming back since you been a kid you would tend to believe that. So what I am suggesting is not to live you live in fear but be prepared for any situation that might happen. By doing this we might be able to keep the world going. We also need to teach the younger generation now that this world is valuable, and we should try to that care if here as much as we can. We also should teach them to stand up. We all have a voice and rights. I have taught my kids about their rights and responsibility. There are learning to be a Preppers but not living there life in fear!             

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In Trump era, doomsday prep attracts new interest — including from the left.

     The business of selling survival equipment — to make it through wars, natural disasters, economic collapse or other apocalyptic events — has slowed down a bit since the presidential election, vendors say. But there has been a subtle shift in the audience.

      Previously, hard-core conservatives who make up the base of the survivalist economy feared catastrophe would occur under President Barack Obama. For some, that changed with the election of Donald Trump.
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The Preppers Lingo

        I am a new Prepper. I have found it very hard to understand the short hand acronyms that the Prepper community uses. It was hard to do my research and learn how to become a Prepper. I also found it hard to talk to other people that are Preppers. So I came up with a list of everything I could find to help with this problem. I might not have them all, but here is some important ones.

ABAO - (All Bets Are off)

ASAP - (As Soon As Possible)

BIB - (Bug In Bag) A bag that you prepacked so if a catastrophic event occurs you can shelter in place.

BO - (Bug Out) leaving your current position and move to a safer location.

BOB - (Bug Out Bag) A bag that you prepacked so if  a catastrophic event occurs you can leave your current position and move to a safer location.

BOL - (Bug Out Location) A location you have picked in advance to go if a catastrophic event occurs.

BOR- (Bug Out Route) A route that you have picked in advance to get to your bug out location.

BOV - (Bug Out Vehicle) A vehicle used to bug out.

CBR - (Citizens Band Radio)

CDC - (Center Of Disease Control)

GOOD - ( Get Out Of Dodge)

DTA - (Don’t Trust Anyone)

EBS - (Emergency Broadcast System)

ELE - (Extinction Level Event)

EMP - (Electromagnetic Pulse)

EOD - (End Of Days)

EOT - (End Of Times)

FAK - (First Aid Kit)

FEMA - (Federal Emergency Management Agency) 

GENNY - (Slang For Generator)

INCHK - (I’m Never Coming Home Kit)

INCH - ( I’m Never Coming Home)

JIC - (Just In Case)

JIT - (Just In Time)

KISS - (Keep It Simple Stupid)

LTS - (Long Team Shelter)

MRE - (Meals Ready To Eat)( US Military Field Rations)

OTG - (Off The Grid)

OTGE - (Off The Grid Event)

PERK - (Personal Emergency Relocation Kit)
PEAK - (Personal First Aid Kit)

PSK - (Personal Survival Kit)

SHTF - (Shit Hits The Fan)

SIP - (Shelter In Place)

SWR - (Shortwave Radio)

TEOTWAWKI - Pronounced (“ tee-ought-walk-ee”) (The End Of The World As We Know It)

YOYO - (You're On Your Own)

ZA - (Zombie Apocalypse)

550- CORD - (Paracord)

72- HOUR KIT - (A Bag That's Prepacked For You To Survive For 72 Hours)

DOOMSDAY - (A Breakdown In Civilized Brought On By Any Number Of Catastrophic Events).

DOOMSDAY PREPPER - (A Person That's Preps For Doomsday) 

GAMMA LID - (A Food Grade 5 Gal Container)  

      Whether you are an Everyday Prepper or a Doomsday Prepper this list should help you understanding the language that other preppers use. It will also help you communicate with others with the same interest. You will be surprised to find there are a lot of us out there. 

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Quote Of The Day!

“It’s better to be a lion for a day than a sheep all your life.”

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The Preppers Next Door!

       A couple of weeks ago, on a leisurely Sunday afternoon, 40 people gathered at a church in Washington Heights for a show-and-tell session sponsored by the New York City Preppers Network. One by one, they stood in front of the room and exhibited their “bug-out bags,” meticulously packed receptacles filled with equipment meant to see them through the collapse of civilization.
      Onto a folding table came a breathtaking array of disaster swag: compasses and iodine pills, hand-cranked radios and solar-powered flashlights, magnesium fire-starters and a fully charged Kindle with digital road maps of the tristate region. Many of the items on display went far beyond the “10 Basic Pillars of Bug-Out Gear” that Jason Charles, the network’s leader, had passed out in advance through the Internet.
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Quote Of The Day!

“The trick in life is learning how to deal with it.”

How do you find a prepper community?

       A few weeks ago, I received an email from a regular reader. He asked me a question that certainly relates to the “community” aspects of prepping that I’m so strongly promoting. Below are the pertinent parts of that email:
       I’m in the process of escaping the PDRK (People’s Demokratische Republik Kalivornja) and relocating to the “Northwest.” … I am concerned about finding a like-minded “community” in the area I will be relocating. … Can you address in one of your columns on “community” how to go about finding the members of “The Narrows” when one is new to an area?

       It’s a very good question, and I told my correspondent that I’d get to answering it after I wrapped up the series on the Yakima Narrows. Since we’ve reached that point, it’s time to make good on my promise.
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Are Preppers Crazy? (Why People Think Preppers are Crazy)

     Have you ever truly looked at why people wonder why are preppers crazy? Well, that’s what we’re going to do in this episode. When this episode is over, you’ll stand a better chance of getting the non-preppers in your life on board with preparedness by answering the question, are preppers crazy in a positive manner.
       All of us understand that when we want people to understand something important, there is a right way and a wrong way to approach them. Unfortunately, when passion like the passion we have for preparedness gets involved, we often find the way NOT to get them to understand us. Actually, we may drive them away from what it is we’re trying to convince them. So, in this episode, I’m going to cover six points that when understood by each of us, will make the act of convincing others to become better prepared much easier.
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Quote of the day.

“I tell you, in this world being a little crazy helps to keep you sane.”

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Creating Your First Bug- Out- Bag

       A bug out bag (BOB) is basically a kit that contains everything you need in order to survive on your own. This bag will be your lifeline in a disaster situation. It can have many different things depending on you.  
      Bug out bags are prepared in advance in case a disaster strikes. Because we never know where we’ll be when a disaster occurs, it is crucial to have a bug out bag that is easily and quickly accessible in times of emergency. Some experienced preppers keep one at home, in their vehicle and also at their place of work.You can make up one yourself, or there are companies that provide such a product complete with all the components they deem necessary. 
       Determining what is needed and put it together can be a hard for a new prepper, but don't worry, I can help you with this task. This list will help you think through and organize a completely customized bug out bag to suit your every need. You might need to add or change things depending on you needs. This is just a list of what I used in my own bag.
        The first thing is choosing you bag. Having the right bag is very important. When choosing your bag there is a couple things you should look for.Your bag should be accessible and lightweight and tailored to suit your individual needs. There are dozens of types to choose from that come in various sizes. It good to test to see what size is right for you. Determine the size and weight you will be able to comfortably carry. It also should have a lot of pockets and be made of durable material. It should be water resistant to prevent mold. It should have strong zippers.  Finely is should have a chest strap or hip strap to balance the weight you will be putting in it. Remember you most likely will be walking with your bag. 

Now to the list of things you should think about putting in your bag.

Protein/ Energy Bars
Dehydrated Meals
A Can Opener/ P-38
Can Food
Metal Cooking Pot
Small Portable Stove
Stove Fuel

Bottle Water
Collapsible/ Metal Water Bottle
Water Filtration System

   Lightweight Long Sleeve Shirts
Lightweight Short Sleeve Shirts
Lightweight Pants/ Sweats
Light and Heavy Socks( about a week's worth) 
Gloves/ Hat

Sleeping Bag
Ground Pad
Wool/ Cotton Blanket
Mylar Survival Blanket

Wet Napkins
Hand Sanitizer
Toilet Paper
Travel Size Toothbrush/ Toothpaste
Small Pack Towels 
Nail Clippers

LED Headlamp
LED Flashlight
Batteries (of all sizes)
Glow Stick (Cem-lights)
 Small Magnifying Glass
Ignition Source (flints) 
Waterproof Matches
Windproof Lighter(zip-o)
Lighter Fluid

A Compass
Local Maps

Paracord (550- cord)
Multi Tool(leatherman style)
Ax/ Hatchet
Folding shovel (E-tool)
Foldable Saw 
Collapsible Fishing Pole
Snare Wire (for trapping)
Sewing Kit
Work gloves 

First Aid Kit
Daily Supplements
Personal Meds (prescriptions)
Pain Relief
Surgical Tape
Super Glue
Sterilizing Alcohol
Hydrogen Peroxides
Cotton Swabs

Cell Phone
Crank or Solar Charger
Crank or Solar Radio
2 Way Radios

Pepper Spray
Takedown Rifle (optional)
Hand Gun(optional)
Ammo (optional)
Emergency Whistle
Survival Knife

Drivers License or ID
Passport (optional)
$500.00 (in small bills)
Gold/ Silver Coins (optional)
A Small Looking Box (optional)

Small Notepad
Pen/ Pencil
55 gal Trash Bags (contractor)
Reusable Zip Bags 
Zip Ties (different sizes)
Mosquito Head Net (optional)
Waterproof Watch
Family Photos (in a waterproof bag)

These are the things I put in my Bug out Bag. I hope this helps you make it easier  to make your bag. Don”t forget you can personalize your bag to you and your family's needs. If you have pets or a baby you might want to make them their own bags. If you plan to buy premade bag, just remember that you should personalize it to suit your needs.

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