Prepping is a popular term but it really just means thinking ahead and planning. This is not so different than the way people had to live a few generations ago. People that prep for situations that may come up are call Preppers. There are many different types of Preppers. Their are the ones that are every day Preppers. These people prep for every day events. Then there are the ones that prep for doomsday. These Preppers prep for the end of the world events. To the outside world we are all the same and we are bad people. Some think we are a Militia, An occult or violent group. This is just a Stereotype.
Stereotyping have been around forever. The stereotyping of religion, race ect… has been affecting our society. Many good people have been killed or even hurt themselves. Most of the time others stereotype. Because they don't have all the facts, or don't understand why the person or groups are doing things different from them. If they are properly education on, why or what they are doing different from them. Their opinions would change.
A lot of people read all kinds of things interesting. They tend to discuss with others. Sure there are a lot of conspiracy theories out there, but at the same time. We need to keep in mind that this term is used to discredit a lot of arguments that challenge someone else’s viewpoint. There is no question that there are a lot of theories out there that make no sense and have no basis. I just ask you to make that call by using your own logic and common sense rather than just completely ignoring something due to a label that gets thrown around way too easily.
So back to Preppers. Most of us don't care what others think, but for the ones who do this can be hard. I know I don't care what people say but my kids do. I am finding myself having to explain that we are not crazy. With me a very active Prepper, people on my community talk. My kids have been asked why there mom thinks zombie are coming. They have been asked, will their mom shot them if they come their house. This is crazy.
I think that a firearm is a good idea, not all Preppers have an arsenal. I get the impression more than half the Preppers don’t not, but the stereotype of Preppers all having stockpiles of dozens of guns and thousands of rounds of ammo can be harmful, and stokes fear in those that do not know any better.
Here is some things that I found can help.
Don’t Lose Your Temper
It is hard to not feel attacked or insulted when someone makes negative comments, or uses choice descriptions even jokingly. Don’t fuel the anger and hate by arguing your point, there's no use. You should realize that some people will never agree with you no matter what, and that is okay!
Maybe try saying
“ I can disagree with you on 99% of everything but I still think you have as much right to your opinion as me. I don’t think yelling or attacking someone for expressing their view is OK."
You should look at both sides.” Then walk away! This will help you not lose your temper.
Help Others Learn
It is important to help others learn that being a Prepper doesn't mean you are crazy .Sharing how to do things with others can lead to you learning something from them too! A lot of younger people would like to learn, but they don’t have adults in their lives to show them how to do things. Take the time to help others learn if you can, and despite the differences, you may have. It is not necessary to be just like everyone you hang out with or learn skills with others. In fact, it is not healthy to not make friends. I am not saying make friends with everyone. You can be the judge of that. This is why I started this blog site to help educate others.
Prepping can bring people together because it is common ground. Everyone needs food, water, shelter, medical care, etc. Sometimes greater understanding is really about finding and focusing on the things we have in common instead of focusing on differences that divide and create conflict.
This is just something I have found that help me along the way. I hope it can help you and your family with the mean and uneducated people out there. Good luck!
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