Inside the World's Largest Underground Survival Community.

      The rambling, green hills of Fall River county located near the Black Hills in South Dakota, is the location for a spectacular new underground survival community featuring individual bunkers for 575 families and a total underworld population of 5,000. This is Vivos xPoint, and it is the world’s largest shelter escape.
       From the remote road, you first come across a landscape of hundreds of earth-covered domes in perfect rows with their concrete exteriors providing a stark contrast to the lush surroundings. This was Fort Igloo, where for over 24 years the US Army’s Black Hills Ordnance Depot created jobs for thousands of workers and their families. This was a community that many former residents still have fond memories.
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What is the difference between a Survivalist and a Prepper?

     No, this isn’t a trick question and I do think there are very big differences between someone who calls themselves a survivalist and someone who prefers to use the term Prepper. Regardless of what I think though these two terms are interchangeably used to describe a wide swath of people. These people all have different motivations and philosophies on what they are doing and why.
      Survivalists and Prepper are just labels. Labels like this though can pigeon-hole people into thinking they need to act a certain way or it can cause assumptions from others based upon their own perceptions of what these words mean.

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Quote of the day

“Struggles are required in order to survive in life, because in order to stand up, you gotta know what falling down is like.”

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Merry Christmas.

I want to wish you and your family's
a Merry Christmas.
This Christmas have a safe and joyful time.


Quote of the day.

“ Doesn’t the fight for survival also justify swindle and theft? In self defense, anything goes.”

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7 Things Every New Prepper Needs to Know

      You might click on a video about astrophysics but it would sound like Chinese to you as you’re not even acquainted with basic concepts such as the law of gravity. You would feel baffled and might even feel a little….dumb!
      Three hikers watching the map Well, that is exactly how new preppers might feel when confronted with the idea of preparing for survival. Unfortunately, schools and colleges teach us absolutely nothing about survival. Moreover, mainstream society is totally blind to the problems of the future. They are most concerned about the newest in celebrity relationships. They think that people who plan and prepare for survival are silly!
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10 Simple Survival Shelters That Will Conquer The Elements

     There’s more than one way to skin a cat. And there even more ways to find, build and deploy survival shelters. But only if you know what you’re doing. In this guide, we show you our 10 favorite simple-to-build survival shelters.
      And we don’t just show you, we teach you with how-to videos. So in this article, we’ll cover the following survival shelter topics.
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Quote of the day

"The more we exploit nature, The more our options are reduced, until we have only one: to fight for survival."

A First Look at 2019’s New Guns

         With autumn’s chill in the air and the leaves beginning to fall, it was time once again for the National Association of Sporting Goods Wholesalers (NASGW) to host its annual meetings and trade show. This year, attendees traveled to Pittsburgh, Pa., to get a glimpse of the firearms slated to arrive at the end of this year and into 2019. Along with a solid selection of new additions to existing product lines, there were also new options we haven’t seen before.

       The popularity of short-barreled, non-NFA 12-ga. pump action firearms, including Mossberg's 590 Shockwave and Remington's 870 Tac-14 introduced in 2017, has sent ripples through the industry resulting in a hard to miss theme for 2019.
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Critical Supplies to Hoard (non-food)

        List of critical supplies preppers should hoard (that aren't food). If you've read our guide on the 37 Foods to Hoard Before Crisis, then you'll want to take a peek at our guide of 37 things to 
stockpile that aren't food. You'll be happy that you planned ahead by stocking these prepping supplies for survival and comfort.

        Remember, this free list is what a prepper needs beyond beans and bullets! Print this list and head to the store now, before disaster strikes.
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Quote of the Day

"Keeping an active mind has been vital to my survival, as has been maintaining a sense of humor."

13 Things You’ll Only Understand if You Are a Prepper

Preppers have grown from an isolated few to a huge movement of people who care about self-reliance, self-responsibility, and taking action to ensure the safety of themselves and their families.
Are you a prepper? If you understand these things, then you can safely say Yes!
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Quote Of the Day

"Fear is always there; it’s a survival instinct. You just need to know how to manage it."

Hackers Read to “Switch Off” the Power

     One of the most dangerous threats that our civil society faces today is hackers. It’s important for you to understand that hacking has made the jump from people looking to make some easy money or even troll those in high places to a serious war fighting application.Now, you may think that there are limits to what a hacker can do to a nation. Could they actually launch nuclear missiles if they hack the right database? Of course, they can.
        There is really no need for hackers to use his skills to get into the highly protected databases or something to that effect. Why would they launch nuclear weapons when you can simply hack the water and power companies and shut both off to a major city. Imagine if there was no power. That is the true use of a cyber attack for doing the most damage. So what does this mean to preppers?

      You should also consider the national cyber attack as a serious threat that your preps should answer. You need to be able to exist without the internet. Build skills that can make you money if you are without electronics. Most of all be sure you have that baseline of preparedness that is going to allow you to survive a serious cyber attack that could cripple critical infrastructure.
      Here is why it’s so important for everyone to prepare for the possibility that one day our grid could go down in a big way, whether it be from a terrorist attack, cyber attack, nuclear war. If our society suffered a widespread power failure that lasted for weeks or months, it would be no different for us than if we were suddenly sent back to the 1800’s. It would catch the average person, it would catch them off in these ways.
      All the ATMs won’t be working, the banks won't be open and the stores cash registers would work. Most people don't carry cash. You wouldn't have access to any money unless you had a stash at home. My suggestion is to keep six months of your monthly budget in a safe. Cash only!

      If you think you can rely on your cell phone to work in a disaster, think again. when everyone reaches for their phone, that limit is quickly surpassed and the radios on the tower get sluggish, thus causing the fast-busy signal. Mobile analysts estimates that a cell site can handle 150 to 200 calls per second per sector. When a large group are making calls at the same time, the network can’t handle the amount of calls.  More importantly, communications with police, firefighters, and ambulance services would be out. NO 911!  Without ordinary citizens calling them to report crimes and emergencies things would be very chaotic. My suggestion for this is to stay clear of any large groups of people. Protect you family and property from looters.
     Without electricity, all  fuel that our society relies on will stop flowing. All of our vehicles will be dead in the water, and more importantly, the trucks will stop delivering food. The grocery stores will be stripped bare in hours, and will not be replenished. Food will be hard to find. People will still and kill to get food and gas. My suggestion for this is to be prepared. You should have two months worth of food and drinking water somewhere safe. It's best not to tell many people that you have these thing because you will be the first person to be robbed. The less people know the better you will be. 

      And of course many of those farms will lack water, as will your plumbing.electricity is required to clean that water and pump it into the tower. Once it’s out, that means that you won’t be able to flush your toilet. So not only dehydration be a major threat, but without the ability to remove human waste or wash your hands, every community will face daunting sanitation problems. My suggestion for this is to be as sanitary as possible. Try to make a outside toilet that is away from your living area. You should have some clean wipes and hand sanitizer stocked up as well.

     Pharmacies won’t be far behind. Millions of people who rely on life saving medications could die in the weeks and months that follow. But perhaps more shocking is what would happen to the people who aren’t using drugs that are immediately life saving. 13% of Americans are using opioid drugs, which are highly addictive and cause horrendous withdrawal symptoms. In other words, within a few weeks after the grid collapses, about 25% of your neighbors are going to be in bad mental state. This is a  hard one for me to give you a suggestion on. Most pharmacies will only give you a months worth of you prescription medication. It wouldn't be a bad idea to stock up on any non-prescription med that would need.

     These are just a couple major thing that will happen if a hacker hacks into the electric grid. Many thing will happen so you and your family should be prepared for this and any other disaster that might happen. Being a prepper is not a bad thing. It's just taking a little time, planning and common sense to secure your survival.

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    If you find yourself in an unexpected survival situation, what kind of knife would you want at your side?  Honestly, you would probably be happy to have ANY knife with you.  But obviously since you are reading this, you are someone that plans ahead, and you don’t want just any old pocket knife, you want the best knife possible to well, survive with.

    We all have our personal preferences on what makes a good knife to go camping or hiking with, but in an extreme situation you want the absolute best survival knife possible, and so we are here to make sure that you have the right choice for any situation.
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37 Useful Urban Survival Skills

    Visions of zombies flooding the streets might come to mind, but in the real world, there are still a lot of dangers that we have to face or prepare for. If you look at the current events in our country, you will always find plenty of good reasons to have or learn urban survival skills.

      In the end, it’s your urban survival skills that can save your life. It doesn’t matter if the threat comes from your job, your neighborhood, the road, or right in your own home. You’re a prepper/survivalist and you will try everything you can to help yourself and your loved ones get through difficult scenarios. Here are some abilities that you need to learn and master.
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Quote of the day

 "Survival can be summed up in three words, never give up. Just keep trying."

Quote of the day.

“Guns are dangerous but the only thing more dangerous is not having them.”

Top 6 Ready for Anything / Survival Guns.

   This video takes a look at the idea that only owning 6 guns can make you ready for anything.  Whether survival, sport, or using guns as a tool, you could only own these 6 guns and be truly ready for anything.

   This is a very information video.I found it extremely use. Now I have an idea of witch guns to add to my survival arsenal.


20 Wilderness Survival Tips!

     I am learning as much tips as I can to prepared my self for any situation I might encounter.This video give you twenty tips that you maybe able to use one day.

    I didn't know half of the tips. So I hope this can be beneficial to you.   

Guess How Many People Will Survive A Zombie Apocalypse

      Suppose a zombie apocalypse really happened. Do you think you’d survive? A team of students in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Leicester took this question seriously. You’re not going to like the answer.
     The students published a pair of papers in Leicester’s undergraduate Journal of Physics Special Topics based on an epidemiological model called SIR (Susceptible, Infected and Recovered or Removed) that is often used to model the spread of infectious diseases throughout a population. They adapted SIR to model a zombie apocalypse.
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How To Survive A Zombie Apocalypse.

     There’s nothing worse than being stuck in an impending apocalypse without some crucial essentials on hand, and sellers on Amazon have even begun selling zombie survival kits. The CDC lists the following as vital.
     Don’t forget to add a phone, keys, enough gas in the car–a tent might help–and the main item that will ensure survival: a weapon. Rifles or shotguns tend to be the weapons of choice, but knives, axes, machetes, shovels, and baseball bats are also effective (though they usually involve getting too close for comfort to the zombies). And for guns, don’t forget the ammo.
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Quote of the day.

“My biggest fear about becoming a zombie is all the wailing that i’d have to do.”

The Bug out Vehicle – How to Turn Any Car into the Perfect Survival Machine.

    If you have made plans to bug out should disaster strike or a society-changing event happen, then you are one step ahead of many preppers. Ideally, you have your bug out location chosen, stocked, and ready to go at a moment’s notice. At this point, there’s only one question remaining. How are you gonna get there?
    In other words, do you have a bug out vehicle that is ready to take you to your bug out location? Is it properly maintained and prepared to keep you safe and help you move as quickly as possible?
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7 Bug Out Vehicles You Can Rely On In Survival & SHTF Situations

     When it comes to sh-t hits the fan scenarios, whether it be a plague, nuclear attack, natural disaster or the next pandemic, it’s a lot easier to cruise to your safe haven that is 100 miles away than it is to walk there. In this circumstance, you are going to need a reliable and efficient bug out vehicle.

     There has long been talk of what bug out vehicles are. Some might have a more romantic view of the world and picture a diesel loaded four-wheel-drive dune buggy complete with exterior spikes and the rest of the apocalyptic decor that you would see on the standard Mad Max vehicle. Other bug out vehicle designs are more practical, because when we’re looking at a vehicle that’s going to save our necks and get us out of trouble, we need something that’s reliable, fuel efficient, able to fit our supplies, that blends in, is low in maintenance and won’t leave you broke.
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Quote of the day.

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail."

10 Reasons to Take a Survival Course at Willow Haven

      That’s right.  Whether you realize it or not, someone looks up to you.  Someone depends on you and will seek your help in a time of crisis.  Someone needs you.  It may be your wife, your children, your parents, your friend or your siblings.  You are someone’s super hero.  You may be the only one in your circle of influence who takes the initiative to learn some basic life saving survival skills.  If the time ever comes when you are tested, don’t fail them. 

      Learning survival skills isn’t just about you.  It’s about using those skills to help other people when the time comes.  Don’t wait until it’s too late.  Act now.  You have an obligation to protect and provide for those who need you.
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Quote of the day

“It wasn’t raining when Noah built the Ark.”

7 Best Handguns for Women [2018 Ultimate Guide]

     You’re here either because you’re trying to figure out the best gun to buy for yourself…or the best gun to buy for your wife, girlfriend, sister, or mom.

      If you’re shopping for yourself, read on!  I have lots of advice for you. But if you’re looking to buy for someone else, go grab her first and read this together…because at the end of the day, the best handgun is the one picked by the shooter herself.
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     We spoke to an astrobiologist about the survival science needed to keep you alive, should you find yourself facing the end of the world, or worse, a herd of zombies…

     Okay… so it’s unlikely to happen, but it’s a fun way to picture all the different skills we’d need to survive. Where would you go? What would you take with you? Would you have the skills needed to rebuild civilization?
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Quote of the day.

 “ In a survival situation, it’s do or die. The one that take action, using knowledge and common sense live.”

Top Ten BEST Guns for Survival.

     Okay, okay, I kicked this list off with the Barrett just because. I don’t own one and I wouldn’t buy one, but I’ll tell you what, if SHTF, and you have one, you’re on my side.

      The sticker price ($3,000-$12,000) on one of these monsters is enough to take anyone’s breath away, but witnessing the colossal *POW* that this bad bitch delivers waaaay down range will also take your breath away. Nothing on the civilian market can deliver anything close to the *smack* of the Barrett. Consequently, there’s a growing movement in different states (mainly New York, Massachusetts, Hawaii and Illinois) to remove the .50 BMG rifle from the civilian market altogether. California banned it in 2004. So, if you have more money than you know what to do with, this could be a great investment. Buy a few and then sell them after they’re banned nationwide for 4 times what you paid for them. 
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The Importance of Being Prepared Before a Disaster Strikes.

     Disasters strike in every corner of the world, during every season, and on different scales throughout the year. Nonprofit organizations serve as key players during these disasters, providing aid and resources to those affected. Indeed, hospitals, food banks, human and animal shelters, and other nonprofits are integrated into most response and recovery efforts during emergencies.
     These events are often unexpected by their very nature, leaving little time, if any, to prepare. That is why it is so important to put time into planning and preparation long before the disaster strikes.
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How to Be Prepared for Anything.

     There are various ways to prepare yourself for what might come your way, whether that’s a tough work project, a crisis, the loss of a loved one, an argument with your partner, or the zombie apocalypse.

       One way is to get everything ready for anything that’s likely to come: get all your survival equipment, prepare your skills, plan for your work projects, get your affairs in order, think through your arguments, and so on.
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Quote of the day.

“it’s best just to focus on what can be done to prepare for the situation. You prepare for the worse, and hope for the best.”

Doomsday Prepping? No, How About Preparedness For Everyday Issues.

     There is a common stigma out there that the preparedness and prepping culture is full of doomsday preppers who are expecting the world to suddenly end and for all of us to be plunged into some fallout-esque apocalyptic nightmare.
       If you’re into that stuff, there’s plenty of those topics canvassed on Netflix and in Hollywood films. If you ask anyone I am sure they could provide a pretty compelling list of end-of-world movies as they’re quite entertaining. But they are not prepping, and they are not preparedness. Since starting on my own ventures in preparedness, I have been more involved in:
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Quote of the day.

The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining. 

15 Most Useful Plants to Heal a Cold or Flu.

      In everyday life, things like catching the flu or the common cold are regular occurrences. The medical science and technology continue to advance, but these illnesses, which are found in any place around the world, continue to avoid any means of successfully curing them at the start. Today, like it was many hundreds and even thousands of years before, the same diseases are simply cured by allowing the body’s natural immune system to clear them out.
      However, this is often a long and uncomfortable period that demands a lot of rest and a bit of patience. Here, a lot of over-the-counter medication can help with the process of managing this condition and clear away some of the symptoms. Eventually, with their help to make things a bit easier, the same flu or cold and the person returns to the state of natural health. Yet, in many circumstances, a person might be under the same lack of access to any medication, let alone a pharmacy or a doctor’s office.
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7 Reasons Why NOW is the time to prepare (not later)

      On the grand scale of global stability, things are still fairly stable for the west at least. You can still go to the store and shelves are stocked. The calorie has never been cheaper to acquire relative to human inputs. Just think how much a bushel of wheat or 10 pounds of rice cost in the middle ages? How much work had to go into it?  I’m not saying I support all of what the agricultural system is doing, but as far as cost per calorie, it has never been better.
      It is a great time to stock up on dry goods, canned goods and other long term storables.  Even if you don’t have a lot of extra money you could probably find an extra 20 dollars a week or two to practice copy canning and double up on storing some things that your family actually eats.
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5 Types of People to Avoid After SHTF.

If you’ve never seen any videos by Serious Survivor, do yourself a favor and check them out. He makes great videos with high production values on a variety of SHTF-related topics.

      Recently, one video in particular caught my attention. It’s about the types of people you’ll want to steer clear of after a widespread disaster or during a grid-down scenario. If you encounter any of these types of people after the SHTF, there’s a good chance they will attack you and try to steal your supplies.


Quote of the day.

"Life has many ways of testing a person's will, either by 
having NOTHING happen at all, or by having 
EVERYTHING happen all at once."