One of the most dangerous threats that our civil society faces today is hackers. It’s important for you to understand that hacking has made the jump from people looking to make some easy money or even troll those in high places to a serious war fighting application.Now, you may think that there are limits to what a hacker can do to a nation. Could they actually launch nuclear missiles if they hack the right database? Of course, they can.
There is really no need for hackers to use his skills to get into the highly protected databases or something to that effect. Why would they launch nuclear weapons when you can simply hack the water and power companies and shut both off to a major city. Imagine if there was no power. That is the true use of a cyber attack for doing the most damage. So what does this mean to preppers?
You should also consider the national cyber attack as a serious threat that your preps should answer. You need to be able to exist without the internet. Build skills that can make you money if you are without electronics. Most of all be sure you have that baseline of preparedness that is going to allow you to survive a serious cyber attack that could cripple critical infrastructure.
Here is why it’s so important for everyone to prepare for the possibility that one day our grid could go down in a big way, whether it be from a terrorist attack, cyber attack, nuclear war. If our society suffered a widespread power failure that lasted for weeks or months, it would be no different for us than if we were suddenly sent back to the 1800’s. It would catch the average person, it would catch them off in these ways.
All the ATMs won’t be working, the banks won't be open and the stores cash registers would work. Most people don't carry cash. You wouldn't have access to any money unless you had a stash at home. My suggestion is to keep six months of your monthly budget in a safe. Cash only!
If you think you can rely on your cell phone to work in a disaster, think again. when everyone reaches for their phone, that limit is quickly surpassed and the radios on the tower get sluggish, thus causing the fast-busy signal. Mobile analysts estimates that a cell site can handle 150 to 200 calls per second per sector. When a large group are making calls at the same time, the network can’t handle the amount of calls. More importantly, communications with police, firefighters, and ambulance services would be out. NO 911! Without ordinary citizens calling them to report crimes and emergencies things would be very chaotic. My suggestion for this is to stay clear of any large groups of people. Protect you family and property from looters.
Without electricity, all fuel that our society relies on will stop flowing. All of our vehicles will be dead in the water, and more importantly, the trucks will stop delivering food. The grocery stores will be stripped bare in hours, and will not be replenished. Food will be hard to find. People will still and kill to get food and gas. My suggestion for this is to be prepared. You should have two months worth of food and drinking water somewhere safe. It's best not to tell many people that you have these thing because you will be the first person to be robbed. The less people know the better you will be.
And of course many of those farms will lack water, as will your plumbing.electricity is required to clean that water and pump it into the tower. Once it’s out, that means that you won’t be able to flush your toilet. So not only dehydration be a major threat, but without the ability to remove human waste or wash your hands, every community will face daunting sanitation problems. My suggestion for this is to be as sanitary as possible. Try to make a outside toilet that is away from your living area. You should have some clean wipes and hand sanitizer stocked up as well.
Pharmacies won’t be far behind. Millions of people who rely on life saving medications could die in the weeks and months that follow. But perhaps more shocking is what would happen to the people who aren’t using drugs that are immediately life saving. 13% of Americans are using opioid drugs, which are highly addictive and cause horrendous withdrawal symptoms. In other words, within a few weeks after the grid collapses, about 25% of your neighbors are going to be in bad mental state. This is a hard one for me to give you a suggestion on. Most pharmacies will only give you a months worth of you prescription medication. It wouldn't be a bad idea to stock up on any non-prescription med that would need.
These are just a couple major thing that will happen if a hacker hacks into the electric grid. Many thing will happen so you and your family should be prepared for this and any other disaster that might happen. Being a prepper is not a bad thing. It's just taking a little time, planning and common sense to secure your survival.
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