Zombies real or not?

I have watched many Zombie movies. I’ve always thought it was just something that Hollywood has made up. Now that I’m learning how to prepare my family for the everyday disasters that could happen, I have found some interesting information on Zombies.
        I found it odd that scientists are so obsessed with studying zombies. If it has sparked the interested of scientists there must be something to it. I started reading more into it and found that not only are there studying them they also have a bunch of unanswered questions. Here is what I found.
       Questions like “How many people can a zombie attack in a day?, How likely is it that those victims will be infected?,  How quickly can Zombies be killed? How will our population’s rate of zombification change as people become more skilled at killing or evading the undead? What happens if we find a cure?”
This may seem crazy but a team from Cornell University developed a simulation for a zombie outbreak in the continental United States and worked out the best places to hide.
       The Centers for Disease Control has even recruited zombies to teach the living about emergency preparedness. In 2011, the agency floated a blog post titled “Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse.” It featured the CDC’s usual advice about having a plan in case disaster strikes, but added the thrilling context of surviving a zombie attack. "If you're prepared for the zombie apocalypse, you're also prepared for hurricanes and flooding.”
        My conclusion is leaning towards the thought that it could happen. I am going to do more research on this matter you more on this over the next several months. In the meantime it won’t be a bad idea to be prepared for any situation. Couldn't hurt.

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