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What the heck is the Doomsday Clock, and why did it just tick?
Calm down, it's a metaphor. No one is saying we're literally 120 seconds from an apocalyptic disaster at any given moment. In fact, during the Cuban Missile Crisis, when the world was arguably perched most precariously on the precipice of nuclear war, that minute hand didn't move a bit.
The clock (which, by the way, does not exist physically—you can't go visit it, which would probably be the most existentially distressing long weekend one could plan) is meant to remind us that global catastrophe has been just around the proverbial corner from the moment our species entered its nuclear age. It's not keeping tabs on day-to-day threats.
The clock (which, by the way, does not exist physically—you can't go visit it, which would probably be the most existentially distressing long weekend one could plan) is meant to remind us that global catastrophe has been just around the proverbial corner from the moment our species entered its nuclear age. It's not keeping tabs on day-to-day threats.
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What is a Prepper?
A Prepper is a person who earnestly believes that no challenge is insurmountable with the proper dedication, determination and focus. A Prepper looks at things that most people would think impossible to survive and says “All you really need is X, Y and some Z!
Preppers are very family oriented people who believe that it is more important to sacrifice leisure and entertainment today so that in a future potential calamity, they will be able to sustain a certain standard of living.
Preppers are very family oriented people who believe that it is more important to sacrifice leisure and entertainment today so that in a future potential calamity, they will be able to sustain a certain standard of living.
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Home Safety Tips for Natural Disasters
Natural disasters and weather-related damage account for an annual bill of $23.46 billion in the United States. Most homeowners are counseled to practice safety at home by protecting investments, watching over loved ones, opting for healthy choices, and making responsible decisions.
To some degree, those are all things you have a certain level of control over. But, what do you do when Mother Nature decides to throw you a curve-ball? Is there a manual of home safety tips for natural disasters to prepare you for the unexpected?
To some degree, those are all things you have a certain level of control over. But, what do you do when Mother Nature decides to throw you a curve-ball? Is there a manual of home safety tips for natural disasters to prepare you for the unexpected?
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7 Tips to Survive a Chemical Weapons Attack
Have you ever thought about how you could improve your chances of surviving a chemical weapons attack? Chemical attacks have become all too common recently, with the chemical attack strikes in Syria by the Assad regime, the inherent risks of chemical weapons attacks and exposures have become magnified in the eyes of the world.
The use of chemical warfare agents dates back thousands of years, with the creation of many chemical agents occurring in the early 1940s, where it began its destruction on the battlefields in World War II. However, as time has progressed the dangers have increased as the territory of deployment for these weapons has expanded from the battlefield to the safe areas of civilization. With large planned attacks deployed on a number of unarmed, innocent people – including children –in Syria, the demand for preparation in the event of a chemical attack has become almost necessary for all.
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Shooting Fundamentals
Using a proper sight alignment is critical to hitting what you’re actually aiming at. Your firearm’s sights are properly aligned when the front sight (red) is directly centered with the rear sight (green).
The very tip of your front sight should also be parallel with the tops of the “leaves” of the rear sight. Without proper alignment, your shots will be off-target!
The very tip of your front sight should also be parallel with the tops of the “leaves” of the rear sight. Without proper alignment, your shots will be off-target!
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Practical Fuels for Off-Grid Survival
Prepping is not just about stocking up for an event such as an economic collapse or a natural disaster that rends away the systems that keeps modern society functioning. It’s also about independence, self-reliance, family and community cohesion, and pride in our ability to survive.
We can be self-reliant in a number of ways, by for example, being self-reliant for food with having a smart crop rotation, raising our own cattle and keeping our own bees.
We can be self-reliant in a number of ways, by for example, being self-reliant for food with having a smart crop rotation, raising our own cattle and keeping our own bees.
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Navigate through the wilderness
Once your supplies are sorted and strapped in, it’s time to explore the great outdoors. Finding your way in the wild doesn’t necessarily require fancy navigation tools (a GPS can help sometimes), just about everything you’ll need is already in your backpack or nearby in nature.
In this chapter, we’ll help you find resources to get to know your route, help you decipher what moss and natural shadows have to say about directions, and walk you through the safest ways to brave a river.
In this chapter, we’ll help you find resources to get to know your route, help you decipher what moss and natural shadows have to say about directions, and walk you through the safest ways to brave a river.
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5 Essential Winter Survival Skills
Winter is when the training wheels come off for hikers, climbers, and back-country skiers. When all of the planning and preparation you did before your trip won’t help you get out of the jam you’re in. When your buddy hits his head on a tree skiing down a back-country route or a big chunk of falling ice takes out your belayer.

When you fall through an ice ledge on a river soaking your winter boots and clothes or a whiteout smothers the peak you’re climbing and a winter storm blows in. When circumstances are so out of control, that you can only survive with what’s in your pack, the knowledge in your head, and the resources you can scrounge from your surrounding environment.

When you fall through an ice ledge on a river soaking your winter boots and clothes or a whiteout smothers the peak you’re climbing and a winter storm blows in. When circumstances are so out of control, that you can only survive with what’s in your pack, the knowledge in your head, and the resources you can scrounge from your surrounding environment.
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10 Essential Pieces of Urban Survival Gear
Survival favors the prepared. When we venture into the wild, we're wise to bring emergency supplies in case we run into trouble. The concrete jungle is no different. Urban settings have their own unique challenges and hazards, even on a good day.

Add a calamity to the mix, and the streets can turn even meaner. To improve your chances in an urban emergency, stock up on these ten items and pray you never need them.

Add a calamity to the mix, and the streets can turn even meaner. To improve your chances in an urban emergency, stock up on these ten items and pray you never need them.
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Killer Urban Survival Tips
Since most prepping advice is focused on wilderness survival (due to the large amount of people living in the countryside who are interested), city dwellers are a little left out when it comes to no-fluff urban advice.
This is exactly why I wrote this article… to get give you some of the best urban survival tips out there. The list isn’t by far exhaustive but it should give you some fantastic ideas on what to do when SHTF if you’re trapped in a town or a city.
This is exactly why I wrote this article… to get give you some of the best urban survival tips out there. The list isn’t by far exhaustive but it should give you some fantastic ideas on what to do when SHTF if you’re trapped in a town or a city.
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Preparing a New Generation for the Joys Of Shooting.
Teaching children to appreciate firearms should be a high priority. It prepares another generation for the joys of shooting and ensures that the Second Amendment always has citizens interested in its defense. We all learned from someone, so it only seems fair to continue passing that knowledge along.
Of all the firearms types in existence, pistols are the hardest to teach safely, especially to young 'uns. Children have a limited attention span, no experience with the subject and can easily be frightened by a gun's recoil and/or muzzle blast. Few would argue that the .22 rimfire is the way to introduce youngsters to guns, and I think Ruger's single-action pistols are the best way to teach them safe and effective pistol handling.
Of all the firearms types in existence, pistols are the hardest to teach safely, especially to young 'uns. Children have a limited attention span, no experience with the subject and can easily be frightened by a gun's recoil and/or muzzle blast. Few would argue that the .22 rimfire is the way to introduce youngsters to guns, and I think Ruger's single-action pistols are the best way to teach them safe and effective pistol handling.
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7 Tips for Surviving a Mob of Looters
The riots in Ferguson, MO may have died down for now, but they leave a lasting memory that serves to once again proven how fragile society is and how many problems can be caused by violent looters. All it takes is one police shooting, one jury verdict, one natural disaster. A town can melt down into utter chaos and look like a scene you’d expect to see in Iraq or Afghanistan.
And remember, it doesn’t matter where you live in the U.S., every town is susceptible. This is why you need to know how to survive. Especially when you’re surviving social unrest and protestors begin lobbing Molotov cocktails left and right and looting run rampant.
And remember, it doesn’t matter where you live in the U.S., every town is susceptible. This is why you need to know how to survive. Especially when you’re surviving social unrest and protestors begin lobbing Molotov cocktails left and right and looting run rampant.
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10 Tips for New Preppers.
Thinking of prepping but don't know where to start? This will help with the Top 10 Tips For New Preppers.
I Felt Prepared But Maybe I'm Not.
Lots of "experts" have covered this subject and depending on which survival forum you frequent the most, it will result in completely different and sometimes opposite advice. In my opinion, some of the advice will prove deadly to most preppers. So if the SHTF, the easy answer for what to do and where to go is.... there is no easy answer and there are too many variables to give you a definite, "hey, go do this!"
What I am going to try to do is to get you thinking and to show you what NOT to do. You will have to come up with your own game plan for your family depending on where you live. I am also going to address some ideas for those of you with minimal preparations. Now remember, every family’s situation is different and there is no one size fits all advice or recommendation.
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Should You First Prep for Doomsday or for Emergencies?
Every person who is taking steps to improve their chances of survival in a crisis event usually starts with a specific vision of exactly what kind they are trying to defend against. Closer to the “event” end of the scale this will be things like serious rioting, a tornado, a car crash in a remote area or total blackout.
At the other end of the scale we have regional, national or even global catastrophes such as a major pandemic, super-volcano eruption, complete collapse of society or more exotic, events like a gamma ray burst, major nuclear exchange or massive asteroid impact.
At the other end of the scale we have regional, national or even global catastrophes such as a major pandemic, super-volcano eruption, complete collapse of society or more exotic, events like a gamma ray burst, major nuclear exchange or massive asteroid impact.
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10 Items For Your Pet’s Emergency Kit
Just as you hopefully have at least a minimal emergency kit for yourself (e.g. a 72-hour kit in your vehicle, a bug-out-bag or get-home-bag), do you have one for your pet dog?
There are two situations to consider. One is sudden evacuation from your home. The other is a longer term ‘shelter in place’ at home where you have to rely on the supplies that you have on hand.
There are two situations to consider. One is sudden evacuation from your home. The other is a longer term ‘shelter in place’ at home where you have to rely on the supplies that you have on hand.
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Top Six Survival Guns Every Prepper Should Own!
Protecting your family is one of the most important things that you will ever do. This is why you need to choose the best weapon, or weapons, for the job. The first thing to say is that you are not going to find one single survival rifle or pistol or shotgun that excels in everything from close range to long range perimeter protection; different guns are best at different things. So with that in mind I believe there are six survival guns that every prepper should own!
Of course this does not mean that you should not own more! Not at all. But to me this is the minimum number of guns that a survivalist or prepper should have in their inventory. But before you buy anything you need to spend time reading reviews of rifles, shotguns, scopes, and pistols and decide what will be the best match for your situation.
Of course this does not mean that you should not own more! Not at all. But to me this is the minimum number of guns that a survivalist or prepper should have in their inventory. But before you buy anything you need to spend time reading reviews of rifles, shotguns, scopes, and pistols and decide what will be the best match for your situation.
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The Five Principles of Survival Guns and Weapons
I would like to start my next post by laying the groundwork I believe is necessary for selecting the survival guns and weapons you will need, both lethal and less lethal (the proper term is “less” not “non” lethal, since many of these weapons systems could kill if used improperly), as well as the equipment to support that the weapon selection.
Before we get into specific weapon selection for specific need, I need to state what I consider to be the underlying foundations of the weapons type you select, no matter what form, or for what situation. While the location and conditions may dictate different weapons be purchased for those specific situations, the underlying concepts used for selection remain constant. I feel that there are five basic parameters that a suitable firearm for tactical preparation must meet.
Before we get into specific weapon selection for specific need, I need to state what I consider to be the underlying foundations of the weapons type you select, no matter what form, or for what situation. While the location and conditions may dictate different weapons be purchased for those specific situations, the underlying concepts used for selection remain constant. I feel that there are five basic parameters that a suitable firearm for tactical preparation must meet.
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Quote of the day
My Spouse Doesn’t Like Me Prepping: What Can I Do?
I’ve been getting a lot of feedback from new subscribers to the Survival Pulse email newsletter (our prepper & survivalist news mail out; you can subscribe here if you’re interested) letting me know that they’re having difficulty at home with spouses who don’t approve of prepping in general, and spending money on preparedness in particular.
A problem like this is a tough cookie to crack, but I don’t think it’s impossible to live with and work around. If your spouse isn’t at all a fan of prepping, I firmly believe that there’s still away to go about prepping.
A problem like this is a tough cookie to crack, but I don’t think it’s impossible to live with and work around. If your spouse isn’t at all a fan of prepping, I firmly believe that there’s still away to go about prepping.
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How to Stay Warm Indoors When the Power’s Out (& It’s Freezing Outside)
Not too long ago, we received a question from Twitter about whether or not we’d done an article on emergency home heating in cold climates. Well, we haven’t, even though I’m from Canada and Thomas & I lived there together for 5 years – so the fact that we haven’t is a bit ridiculous.
To be fair, we have written a couple of winter emergency survival articles – one that details the supplies you should have on-hand to help you out in case the power goes out in the winter, and another that details our experiences when the power went out for 5 nights and 4 days in sub-zero weather in Toronto. Yet neither of these addresses the problem of heating head on, and so that’s what we’re going to talk about today.
To be fair, we have written a couple of winter emergency survival articles – one that details the supplies you should have on-hand to help you out in case the power goes out in the winter, and another that details our experiences when the power went out for 5 nights and 4 days in sub-zero weather in Toronto. Yet neither of these addresses the problem of heating head on, and so that’s what we’re going to talk about today.
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Read This Before Buying a Rifle Scope.
There is almost no task in which you might use a rifle that cannot be made easier by the addition of an appropriate optical sight. From the earliest primitive telescopes to today’s bomb-proof, technology-packed red-dot sights, the right optic is a huge advantage for any shooter. But just like the rifles themselves, not all optics are created equal, and none are suited to every single role, though some come close.
The optics market is easily as crowded as the gun market, with dozens of manufacturers offering a wide array of models, variants and options for every mission, preference and budget. Knowing what you need or want on your rifle is only one half of the task, the other will be choosing a scope or sight from among a half-dozen contenders.
The optics market is easily as crowded as the gun market, with dozens of manufacturers offering a wide array of models, variants and options for every mission, preference and budget. Knowing what you need or want on your rifle is only one half of the task, the other will be choosing a scope or sight from among a half-dozen contenders.
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How to Find the North Star.
Knowing how to find the north star in the northern hemisphere is one of the most basic survival skills. Those of us in the north are fortunate to have the North Star as a handy survival tool for determining direction without a compass. Visible from the surface of the earth during clear nights, nearly everybody has heard of this celestial body and most probably feel confident they would be able to find the North Star whenever they choose.
In ancient times locating this lodestar was crucial to navigating long distances through the wilderness. The beauty of using the north star for navigation is that unlike a magnetic compass the north star always points to to true north. There is no magnetic declination to deal with.
In ancient times locating this lodestar was crucial to navigating long distances through the wilderness. The beauty of using the north star for navigation is that unlike a magnetic compass the north star always points to to true north. There is no magnetic declination to deal with.
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5 Great Survival Guns
Over the last decade terms like “prepper” and “bug-out bag” have gone from obscure terms used by only a handful of people to common daily vernacular. Indeed, with more and more people fearing—and preparing for—the worst scenarios, the idea of keeping an emergency firearm and plenty of ammo on-hand doesn’t seem so radical.
These emergency situations aren’t always the apocalyptic scenes which we often envision; a deadly storm that results in an extended period without power or periods of rioting and looting are times when having a survival firearm makes sense. But which guns are best? Here’s a look at five of our favorite survival firearms.
These emergency situations aren’t always the apocalyptic scenes which we often envision; a deadly storm that results in an extended period without power or periods of rioting and looting are times when having a survival firearm makes sense. But which guns are best? Here’s a look at five of our favorite survival firearms.
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Ex-Navy SEAL Shares Tips For Staying Alive In The Wild
Navy SEALs know how to survive, plain and simple. They’re trained to formulate plans for keeping themselves alive at all costs. SEALs can escape almost any deadly situation thanks to their rigorous training.
But you don’t have to be a Navy SEAL to learn from them. In fact, one former SEAL published a book detailing everything you need to know about surviving against all odds. Check out the methods used by the world’s most elite military unit. These tips are really priceless!
But you don’t have to be a Navy SEAL to learn from them. In fact, one former SEAL published a book detailing everything you need to know about surviving against all odds. Check out the methods used by the world’s most elite military unit. These tips are really priceless!
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30 Beginner Survival Tips Every Prepper Should Know.
Every day, new people are “waking up” and realizing just how fragile our civilization is. Perhaps you are one of them. There’s no need to panic. Yes, a disaster could occur at any moment, but in all likelihood, there is still time to prepare.
If you try to do it all at once, you’re liable to get overwhelmed and give up. Instead, spend a little time working on your survival plans every day. The time will add up fast. Here are 30 survival tips to get you started.
If you try to do it all at once, you’re liable to get overwhelmed and give up. Instead, spend a little time working on your survival plans every day. The time will add up fast. Here are 30 survival tips to get you started.
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Survival Tips That Will One Day Save Your Life.
Use these tips and tricks that can one day save your life. Most of these are DIY crafts and are amazing to learn and do yourself when needed! No, none of them use slime, these are actual tips and tricks that will teach and help you! These are just some ideas to use as your survival tactics.
11 Gross Animals You Can Eat in a Survival Situation.
If you have an adventurous palate, you may take offense at the list we have compiled here. Snails sautéed in garlic butter and freshly prepared organ meats are standard fare for foodies these days. For the rest of us, we’d need some serious motivation to munch on some of the creatures listed herein.
Personally, I can’t stand the crunchy bugs. Even though they’re standard fare in many parts of the world, just thinking about biting into a crispy cricket activates my gag reflex. But all that can change when you find yourself starving in a survival situation. No matter if you’re lost in the wild or fighting through an urban collapse, hunger is the best spice. And if push ever comes to shove, I bet you’ll be able to choke down a few bites of every animal on this list.
Personally, I can’t stand the crunchy bugs. Even though they’re standard fare in many parts of the world, just thinking about biting into a crispy cricket activates my gag reflex. But all that can change when you find yourself starving in a survival situation. No matter if you’re lost in the wild or fighting through an urban collapse, hunger is the best spice. And if push ever comes to shove, I bet you’ll be able to choke down a few bites of every animal on this list.
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How To Make A Family Bug-Out Plan.
For many people being prepared means going out and buying a checklist of items that will come in handy if the need arises. While this is a good step in the right direction any experienced person will tell you that there is so much more to being truly prepared to survive. In addition to having the right survival gear for your environment the other two sides of the survival pyramid are honing your survival skills and having a realistic plan for what to do when trouble comes knocking.

Building up your survival skillset can take years and unless you are at the camping store right now, the most immediately actionable element of the skills/gear/planning trinity is the last of these: Having a Bug-Out Plan. I am going to step you through the process of building your own Bug-Out Plan for you and your family (or whoever you plan on evacuating with) and by the end of this article you should have a clear understanding of:
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5 Stages to Building a Survival Cabin.
It’s happening now. This is a real SHTF event. Major disaster has hit, power is out, everyone is panicking, grocery stores are being raided and emptied within hours, and cars are grid-locked trying to make their way to safety, anywhere. No-one knows where that is.
As Preppers, we have already prepared for this eventuality. We already have our emergency supplies packed, it’s likely we have a plan in place as to where we are heading. And we’re long gone before the panic has set in. However, it’s all very well having your bug out bag ready, learning survival skills such as how to catch your own food, how to filter water, and how to start a fire, but if you don’t have a shelter; you’re missing the most important survival item you need.
As Preppers, we have already prepared for this eventuality. We already have our emergency supplies packed, it’s likely we have a plan in place as to where we are heading. And we’re long gone before the panic has set in. However, it’s all very well having your bug out bag ready, learning survival skills such as how to catch your own food, how to filter water, and how to start a fire, but if you don’t have a shelter; you’re missing the most important survival item you need.
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Best Cooler for ATV Riders Reviews with Comprehensive Guide.
Cooler is essential for every outdoor activity. And on the off chance you have an ATV or UTV, going high in the mountain for adventure requires that you keep your food and beverages cooler for a longer period and this can only be done with the availability of the best cooler for ATV.
Cooler for ATVs or UTVs are designed to withstand any rigors and there is a vast number of different brands you will find in the market but there are important things to consider before making your purchase.
Cooler for ATVs or UTVs are designed to withstand any rigors and there is a vast number of different brands you will find in the market but there are important things to consider before making your purchase.
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The ATV Survival Kits.
Being prepared is always a great idea and when you are on a machine that will quickly and effortlessly take you into remote places far from help. Having the right things with you can make the difference between “weathering the storm” in relative comfort versus clinging to life.
You need to think about what basic essentials you should carry on your Honda ATV...just in case. Considering that basic survival gear, such as water, food and matches for building a fire, can be easily carried in a backpack, we realize our 4-wheeler need not be overloaded. Of course the time of year and geographic location have a lot to do with how mean the environment can be. Montana in January will have much greater requirements than Virginia in May, but both can challenge you.
You need to think about what basic essentials you should carry on your Honda ATV...just in case. Considering that basic survival gear, such as water, food and matches for building a fire, can be easily carried in a backpack, we realize our 4-wheeler need not be overloaded. Of course the time of year and geographic location have a lot to do with how mean the environment can be. Montana in January will have much greater requirements than Virginia in May, but both can challenge you.
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9 Tips For Packing Your Bug Out Bag.
Bug out bags are for disasters that strike without warning. If you wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of your world falling apart, all you’ll have time to do is grab your bag (or bags if you have a family) and hit the road.
The ability to pack up and leave in a matter of minutes will make it possible for you to beat the traffic and get to a safe location before it’s too late. Bug out bags aren’t just convenient; they’re lifesavers. What you put in your bug out bag depends on several factors: where you live, what type of disaster is most likely, personal preferences, etc.
The ability to pack up and leave in a matter of minutes will make it possible for you to beat the traffic and get to a safe location before it’s too late. Bug out bags aren’t just convenient; they’re lifesavers. What you put in your bug out bag depends on several factors: where you live, what type of disaster is most likely, personal preferences, etc.
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Guide to the Best Bug Out and Survival Backpacks.
Finding the best bug out backpack involves covering a whole load of models, features, and functionality to find the perfect fit. If you’re not sure where to begin, our guide to the best survival backpacks is here to help you get started. We’ve taken a look at some of the largest, toughest and overall best bug out backpacks and survival backpacks for every eventuality, situation and price range.
Whether you’re looking to assemble a bug out bag, grab bag, EDC kit or are just looking for the best way to carry a lot of gear in an emergency survival situation, finding the best survival backpack, bag or holdall for the task is absolutely critical to success.
Whether you’re looking to assemble a bug out bag, grab bag, EDC kit or are just looking for the best way to carry a lot of gear in an emergency survival situation, finding the best survival backpack, bag or holdall for the task is absolutely critical to success.
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Car crashes are common. Here in the US, you are likely to experience a car accident about every 18 years. If you begin driving when you are 16, this means you will likely have at least one accident by the time you are 34. Throughout your life, you will probably have three to four auto accidents. Fortunately, most of those accidents will not be deadly for anyone involved.
Only three out of one thousand incidents are likely to involve fatalities. Of course, those statistics won’t mean anything, if you or a loved one is unfortunate enough to be in one of those deadly crashes. You can improve your chances of surviving a fatal crash by taking a number of important steps.
Only three out of one thousand incidents are likely to involve fatalities. Of course, those statistics won’t mean anything, if you or a loved one is unfortunate enough to be in one of those deadly crashes. You can improve your chances of surviving a fatal crash by taking a number of important steps.
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10-Point Checklist for Surviving a Market Crash.
Market crashes inevitably happen from time to time. Since the current bull market has already lasted eight years, and the S&P 500 trades at a multiyear high of 24 times earnings, investors should be well-prepared for a market crash. Here are 10 basic things you must do to ensure your portfolio (and peace of mind) survives a major downturn.
The amount of cash defined as "enough" varies, but you need enough cash to cover living expenses and emergency costs through a multiyear bear market without selling your stocks.
The amount of cash defined as "enough" varies, but you need enough cash to cover living expenses and emergency costs through a multiyear bear market without selling your stocks.
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Survival Knives: 20 Great Knives for Wilderness Survival.
There’s no shortage of opinions on this topic. We all have our favorites and differing reasons why we like one knife above all others.
While the concept of “living off the land” with just a knife has more to do with solid outdoor skills than it does with knife choice, it’s still fair to say that the quality and usefulness of your knife could be the difference between life and death. Here's a rundown of my favorites.
While the concept of “living off the land” with just a knife has more to do with solid outdoor skills than it does with knife choice, it’s still fair to say that the quality and usefulness of your knife could be the difference between life and death. Here's a rundown of my favorites.
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Truly, it’s hard to be ready for anything. And prepping for every possible disaster or emergency scenario could take up more of your life than a full-time job. Still, letting everything come as it may is equally – if not more – foolish. So, it’s best to situate yourself somewhere squarely in the middle.
The good news is, that’s probably the best spot to be; it means you’ve taken the time to consider possible outcomes and have taken at least a few steps in mental preparation for a wide variety of survival situations. But getting your head straight is only the first step. Step number two is getting yourself geared up, at least in part, for those outcomes. And, though we acknowledge that it’s nigh-impossible to get ready for everything, you can still be reasonably equipped for most situations. To help you prep, we’ve put together the following list of 20 survival essentials to help you make it out alive.
The good news is, that’s probably the best spot to be; it means you’ve taken the time to consider possible outcomes and have taken at least a few steps in mental preparation for a wide variety of survival situations. But getting your head straight is only the first step. Step number two is getting yourself geared up, at least in part, for those outcomes. And, though we acknowledge that it’s nigh-impossible to get ready for everything, you can still be reasonably equipped for most situations. To help you prep, we’ve put together the following list of 20 survival essentials to help you make it out alive.
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10 Essential Tips for Surviving a House Fire
In a normal survival situation, fire is something you need for things like light, heat, protection, and the ability to cook food. But in the event of a house fire, it can become your biggest enemy and something you need to escape from immediately.
Many people have tragically perished in house fires, and if you don’t want the same thing to happen to you or your family, you should take these 10 essential tips very seriously.
Many people have tragically perished in house fires, and if you don’t want the same thing to happen to you or your family, you should take these 10 essential tips very seriously.
Write Down An Escape Plan
First and foremost, you need to actually write down a formal escape plan. Or more appropriately, multiple versions of an escape plan. Not only does your escape plan need to clearly describe which routes you can use to evacuate your home, where you will meet afterwards, and so forth, it also needs to designate a leader and how you will contact the authorities for help
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The Ten Best Post-Apocalyptic Survival Vehicles.
We asked you what you think the best post-apocalyptic vehicle would be, assuming you could fuel it up and were unable to stay in one place due to the lack of other resources (and likely abundance of radioactive zombies looking for a tasty brain to munch upon). The response we received from commenters was phenomenal.
We've culled the comments down to our ten top responses. Some we expected and some we didn't, and we even had a quasi-fictional vehicle thrown in for some fun. After you've had a moment to take a gander at the zombie-fighting machines-o-war below, drop all the way down to the bottom and help us cull the wheat from the proverbial radioactive chaff and determine the ultimate ride for living through the bleak world that awaits us. The very fate of humanity may rest upon your decision.
We've culled the comments down to our ten top responses. Some we expected and some we didn't, and we even had a quasi-fictional vehicle thrown in for some fun. After you've had a moment to take a gander at the zombie-fighting machines-o-war below, drop all the way down to the bottom and help us cull the wheat from the proverbial radioactive chaff and determine the ultimate ride for living through the bleak world that awaits us. The very fate of humanity may rest upon your decision.
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Zombies real or not?
I have watched many Zombie movies. I’ve always thought it was just something that Hollywood has made up. Now that I’m learning how to prepare my family for the everyday disasters that could happen, I have found some interesting information on Zombies.
I found it odd that scientists are so obsessed with studying zombies. If it has sparked the interested of scientists there must be something to it. I started reading more into it and found that not only are there studying them they also have a bunch of unanswered questions. Here is what I found.
Questions like “How many people can a zombie attack in a day?, How likely is it that those victims will be infected?, How quickly can Zombies be killed? How will our population’s rate of zombification change as people become more skilled at killing or evading the undead? What happens if we find a cure?”
This may seem crazy but a team from Cornell University developed a simulation for a zombie outbreak in the continental United States and worked out the best places to hide.
The Centers for Disease Control has even recruited zombies to teach the living about emergency preparedness. In 2011, the agency floated a blog post titled “Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse.” It featured the CDC’s usual advice about having a plan in case disaster strikes, but added the thrilling context of surviving a zombie attack. "If you're prepared for the zombie apocalypse, you're also prepared for hurricanes and flooding.”
My conclusion is leaning towards the thought that it could happen. I am going to do more research on this matter you more on this over the next several months. In the meantime it won’t be a bad idea to be prepared for any situation. Couldn't hurt.
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Hey guys, Elise here! Thomas and I have been working at this blog for quite some time now, and as a result, have gained a lot more know...
There are many different reason for a prepper to perp. When prepping for any situation the only thing that every prepper does need i...