Why you need survival weapons

    survival weapons are a necessity when it comes to camping, nature hikes, practicing bushcraft, hunting or even prepping for an apocalyptic catastrophe to occur.  There are several different types of weapons, and reasons as to why you should maintain and possess a quality amount of them.  With pistols and rifles, though effective for hunting and self defense, you come into a problem of limited use if you do not have the ability or know how to create your own ammo.  They are also very loud if you don’t want to give away your position.
    However, they are effective and useful to have in tight situations and, as previously mentioned, hunting for food. Rope is both effective as a weapon, and as a self defense weapon. However the reasons surrounding the need for these survival items are not common knowledge to all. Regardless as to what the situation is when the idea or use of weapons of survival may occur, one common reason remains the same, self preservation. It is not only human instinct to survive, it is our purpose in life.
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1 comment:

  1. yes survival is the main problem in todays life so you must have the Survival Machete so get it now.
