Let me get all my cards on the table. I don’t live off the grid. I don’t have any guns stashed away. There is never going to be a zombie apocalypse. And Cuba will not invade the United States.
What I am prepared for is losing my job, losing public utilities like gas, electric and water, a sudden and horrific natural disaster, a riot and finally an active shooter in my neighborhood. If a zombie actually shows up at my door I’m probably screwed.
I’ve lost a job a couple of times over my lifetime and I’m young enough for that to occur a couple more times. Changing jobs is similar to losing a job because there may be a short period of time where the old wages stopped and the new wages haven’t kicked in yet.
It doesn’t matter how long you’re out of work or short on money you must be prepared for it. An emergency money fund will help see you through these types of events and is something you need to have. Every year should see you putting at least two week’s wages in cash into a safe place. The first year on a new job make sure you put away at least three to four week’s wages.
Having a stocked pantry goes a long way should you lose your job or face an economic emergency. Your number one goal should be building up a 3-6 month supply of food so your family doesn’t go hungry during an emergency.
With cash on hand and plenty of food stocks in the pantry you can weather at least a month without working under the table or for pocket money. You might even want to sharpen some skills that could help like learning how to do small jobs for neighbors where you can earn good money while still giving yourself plenty of time to send out resumes and secure a new job.
A few years ago my family lived in an area that discovered the groundwater was contaminated. First thing to be wiped out was all the water at the grocery stores. Bottled soft drinks and juices are no substitute for real filtered water. By having a 5-6 months of drinking water on hand that situation should not be a problem. You can still shower in slightly contaminated water as well as flush your toilet.
Downed power or broken gas lines are usually repaired in less than two days. Be prepared to use your frozen and refrigerated food first should it be announced that power won’t be restored within 24 hours.
I am also prepared for a riot. Riots rarely break out all over a neighborhood or town at the same time. There is a starting point and it can quickly escalate and spread to where you live.
Being prepared for this situation, at least in my case, means having the car ready to go and making sure we have a ‘bug out’ bag for each one of us in a convenient place. I also have my valuable papers, cash and expensive jewelry in a small fireproof safe ready to go at minute’s notice.
Home invasions are one of the most common crimes we face today; make sure you, your family, and your home are ready to face the threat. As I mentioned before I have no guns in the house. What I do have are strategically placed knives, small wooden bats, rolls of quarters that I can wrap my hands around and my neighbors phone numbers entered into Alexa.
If you are wanting to be armed, consider learning how to use a firearm and carrying one for protection. The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy who has one and knows how to use it.
Fires and floods are one of the most common disasters a person will face in their lifetime. Unfortunately, it’s a threat that receives very little attention. Being prepared for this everyday type of event takes planning. One of the best ways to prepare yourself and your family for is to conduct periodic emergency safety drills. Even if it's just you and spouse in the house, learning where to run in case of a fire in different parts of the house could mean the difference between life and burning to death.
When it comes to an active shooter situation all I can say is that being aware of your surroundings is probably the best defense against being shot. A mall has many stores and active shooters can’t be all of them at once. If you shop at the same stores, malls and shopping centers on a regular basis, play a game with yourself looking for the best place to duck for cover in each. It’s a silly little exercise that may save your life.
You can bet an active shooter is looking for easy targets and by being prepared to run to your predetermined hiding place may prove to be the best silly little game you’ve ever played.
I may not be a ‘real’ prepper like some folks but I am prepared for a lot of real life situations but not zombies.
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