Best Survival Tips and Tricks: Ultimate Guide List

How to create a thick fire signal

     1.A combination of fresh pine and spruce leaves produce a lot of smoke, which is what you want with the signal. Start out by building a small fire using dry leaves, twigs, or other tinder.Collect the fresh pine and spruce leaves and compile them into a bow. When the fire is up and smoking, put the leaves over the fire, making sure to cover it
Additional things to consider: ​

Choosing the location - ideally, you want to build a fire on elevated grounds, such as a peak, top of a hill or ridge.  Clear the area so that the fire will not catch onto nearby twigs/other flammables. If it's too difficult to clear the area of debris, then the next best option is to isolate the fire with stones to control the fire.

What creates the thick smoke?  - Dry grass, leaves, pine needles, paper, wood shaving, small sticks are great for starting fires. To sustain the fire, you will need to find dry wood , full branches and anything similar that will provide a slow but long lasting fuel. To create more smoke; simply add living branches, wet leaves and even rubber materials.
Don't forget to thoroughly extinguish the fire when you depart your location or when you are rescued. The last thing you want to do is start a raging fire in the forest.

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