6 Key Emergency Survival Tips From Wilderness Experts

Rule No. 1: Exercise if you're freezing cold. It will warm you up. Rule No. 2: Disregard rule No. 1 if you're in the water. With hypothermia, blood vessels constrict, reducing the supply of warm blood to the skin. That keeps internal organs warm—which is what you want. But forcing those vessels open by exercising in the water pushes the warm blood to the surface, where it quickly gets chilled. If you're immersed in water, stay still.
Some 600 people are struck every year; about 60 are killed. First, the common-sense rules: Don't be—or be near—the tallest object around, and get rid of metal objects that are in contact with your skin. As a last resort, experts suggest squatting with just the balls of your feet on the ground. Cover your ears, close your mouth and eyes, and hope the bolt rolls over you.
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